Hey KI, I am a necromancer and wraith is still hanging around. This is causing serious lag :( . Also, my wraith pet stops moving completely when joining a battle and only moves to cast a spell. Just bringing these problems to your attention.
Sincerely, Jeffrey Spirithunter Level 69 necromancer "No pain no Gain..."
Hey KI, I am a necromancer and wraith is still hanging around. This is causing serious lag :( . Also, my wraith pet stops moving completely when joining a battle and only moves to cast a spell. Just bringing these problems to your attention.
Sincerely, Jeffrey Spirithunter Level 69 necromancer "No pain no Gain..."
The wraith pet becoming frozen is a hoot, sad too he is my fav pet and has better stats then the crow does, that happened quite a while back to me but I have been told by others they see him move?
At random times we are also having the hang around after cast problem also but it does seem to be better then it was.