At the end of the Beastmoon Hunt rewards, it says "10 Spiritual Spellements" although when I redeemed it, I received 5 Fire Cat and 5 Nightbringer, neither of which are "spiritual." I have a photo, but I can't add it here.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I was looking forward to some death spellements :/
At the end of the Beastmoon Hunt rewards, it says "10 Spiritual Spellements" although when I redeemed it, I received 5 Fire Cat and 5 Nightbringer, neither of which are "spiritual." I have a photo, but I can't add it here.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I was looking forward to some death spellements :/
I'm still getting the Karamelle spellements NOT of my in essence I only received 5 spellements as the top tier reward for Beastmoon point completion.