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Spiritual Tribunal Glitch

Mar 24, 2011
I've noticed a glitch with spiritual tribunal for the past several weeks. The audio of the spell cuts in and out the whole time. After the spell is done, the music volume gets REALLY loud, no matter what volume it is set to. The music stays blasting until another spell gets cast. Apparently happens to other people too in the battle.

Here's video I took of it: https://youtu.be/O5ztG6mA1Ew?si=L3r0fuUDsPWVl36d

Dec 09, 2008
Lukey G on Oct 18, 2023 wrote:
I've noticed a glitch with spiritual tribunal for the past several weeks. The audio of the spell cuts in and out the whole time. After the spell is done, the music volume gets REALLY loud, no matter what volume it is set to. The music stays blasting until another spell gets cast. Apparently happens to other people too in the battle.

Here's video I took of it: https://youtu.be/O5ztG6mA1Ew?si=L3r0fuUDsPWVl36d
Thanks Lukey, we're taking a look!

Jun 16, 2012
Please do more than look, it needs fixing. This isn't a new issue. There are posts in this forum going back a couple years. I don't know if this will work but here is a link of a search I did for spiritual tribunal in halstron's labratory.


This has driven me batty for all this time and I'd really like to be able to use the spell instead of discarding or leaving it out of deck entirely.