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Sticking feathers

Dec 21, 2010
I placed them up on my house wall and tried to take them down. They would not come off the wall. If by chance I do want to remove or move them, KI help me. Had the same problem in my Krok Villa - I placed a book on the shelf area in the stair area and there it stays.

Mar 07, 2011
Jul 27, 2009
Oct 24, 2010
You can remove them. Open your attic and click the "House" tab. Go to wall hangings and move the feathers out of the house. You can do this with anything that gets 'stuck.' I learned this with the Christmas wreath. :)

May 22, 2009
There is another way of picking items up in your house that does not involve clicking on them.

Open your attic, choose the house tab. This will show you EVERYTHING you have placed in your house. From there, click on the item that is stuck and then click 'move to backpack'.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 70 Life

This should be fixed in the Test Realm and soon it will be fixed in the Live Realm as well.

As a work around, you can open the attic and select the house tab. Find the feathers and select move to backpack.


Apr 27, 2010
RavenLady777 and superluther THANK YOU so much!

I have the "stuck item" problem in three different houses and KI customer service just says "pick up all your items" which is a heartbreaking response after one has invested ridiculous hours in arranging things.

So again, thank you thank you thank you!

KI: tell Customer Service the workaround...(better yet make sure things don't stick)...

And, KI, thank you for making the the houses and items so fun that we want to spend hours enjoying them!