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Stitching clothing

Feb 15, 2009
Alright, so I crafted to pieces of clothing for my ice wizard. The items I crafted were called "Frozen Breath Shroud" and the "Shivering Breath Robe." I was wanting them to be stitched with "Swashbuckler Hat" and the "Nobe Garb." When i click stitch it says "The transaction was not successful." Could someone explain to me why it doesn't stitch?

This is a known issue.

Players may still experience an error message when trying to Stitch or Unstitch. This only occurs when you try to Stitch or Unstitch after switching to a different character on your account. We are working on this, but in the meantime, if you encounter this error, you may need to just restart Wizard101 and stitch your new outfit when you start the game back up again
