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Storm Elf issue.

Sep 26, 2009
Storm elf is only doing 2 rounds over time when the card clearly says its supposed to do 3, KI please fix this issue.

Feb 23, 2010
I have complained about this many times and they have yet to resolve the issue. Seems like if its not affecting their revenue, they wont bother fixing it.

I think I figured this one out.

The Storm Elf card states 30+ 275 over 3 rounds. He does his initial damage on hit, then the target proceeds to get hit three additional times, just like his cousin the Fire Elf.

If you have first turn in the duel and cast this spell, the target will take the initial damage and the first round of damage on its turn, then damage on the next round and the next round.
This may look like it's doing damage for only two rounds, but you didn't count the round that the spell was cast in.

Next time you cast the spell, write down each time it does damage to your opponent, including the first hit. You should see 30, 125,125,125.

That's what I was going to post, except when I tested the elf myself, I noticed he's not doing full damage on his subsequent hits. We've put this one on the list to fix, so while he is hitting all the times he's supposed to be, the overall total is lower.

Feb 23, 2010
But it isn't doing the total 3 rounds like it should. It only does 2. I see it when I cast it and when others do too. Maybe for the mobs who cast it, it does the total 3 rounds, but not when players do. It isn't doing 30, 125, 125, 125. Its only doing 30, 125, 125 and thats it! And as far as it not doing proper damager on subsequents hits, not sure about that, but I am sure its not doing the full 3 rounds like it should.

Ok turns out the Lightning Elf is our culprit!
The Lightning Elf Treasure Card is only doing his initial damage and two rounds of damage. So many elves....

Sorry for the misunderstanding, we were so focussed on the Storm Elf that we almost forgot about the Lightning Elf Treasure Card.

We've identified the problem and are taking steps to fix it. Thank you for your diligence!

Feb 23, 2010
Great and thank you! Hope to see fix on the next update. Sorry about the confusion with elves. I didnt know there was a difference between lightning elf and storm elf.