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Storm Quest Spells failing to show up

Apr 25, 2009
Alright so I am a level 76 Storm wiz and I've noticed the last few spell quests I haven't been receiving from Halston. The notification popups letting me know it's time for another spell will come through but Halston fails to give a quest. I am in Avalon right now and I've done every side quest along the way. I'm not for sure if anyone else is having the same issues but if I could get some feedback I'd greatly appreciate it.

Mar 24, 2009
A lot of the time, you can reach a certain level where you're technically allowed to get a new spell/pet/whatever, but you have to have already finished a certain area. For example, let's say you were a level 50 and were supposed to get a new spell, but you have to have finished Dragonspyre to do so. If you're a level 50 wizard, technically you could get that spell, but if you haven't finished Dragonspyre, then that quest isn't ready for you, even if you meet the level requirement. It's possible that for this level 76 quest from Halston, you might have needed to be past a certain area, and you haven't made it that far yet. Quest a little more, and check back in the future to see if he has one for you once you've finished a couple more areas of Avalon. Another solution might be that there might be prerequisite quests that you need to have completed before being able to get that quest from Halston. You could also check in all the worlds to see if there's a side quest you needed to do before getting the level 76 quest. Good luck!
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