As you all know, the Storm Titan can be a long and tedious battle if not done correctly. However, it makes it even longer whenever the Storm Titan keeps recharging himself. Let me explain: The Storm Titan has 3 recharge stages. In the first one Malory says something along the lines of "Aw, you gotta be kidding me! The paradox chain just keeps charging him back up! Look out!" That is stage one. Now, if you seem to have a DOT ( damage over time ) on the Storm Titan, that line and animation can be played over 3 times, which means minions will be summoned 3 times, which means pure irritation occurs because it takes so long. This can also happen with the second stage, however that is less common than whenever it happens in the first stage. My apologies if this was already fixed, as I haven't done the dungeon in a few days, however it wasn't fixed whenever I farmed it all day for like a week, so I just thought I'd put this out here.