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Storman spell not properly applying Darkwind

Jul 30, 2010
Hello. I have a storm snowman pet, and the accompanying card. When I cast the spell it works fine, except a few things. Firstly, if the spell defeats it's target, Darkwind will just not cast. The spell completes, damage is dealt, but the animation for Darkwind does not take place, and obviously the accompanying buff doesn't as well.

The second thing I've noticed is that Darkwind isn't even applied when the animation goes off. I have been testing this on live servers with both my 0 pip wand move <Baton of the Clouds 45 storm dmg> as well as other storm school spells <thunder bats, thunder shark, thunder snake> and none of these spells seem to be receiving the 25% damage boost that the Storman spell is supposed to apply.

I did a brief search of the forums and didn't find any mentioning of this being acknowledged or reported, so I thought that I would. Some kind of acknowledgement would be appreciated. Thank you for your time~

May 02, 2009
I believe that the 25% extra damage added after the storman spell is cast is a storm trap. Maybe the reason your not seeing it is because your using it on monsters you can take out in 1-3 hits (like lost soul, rotting fodder, dark fairy, fairy queen, etc.). If this is the case, then you need to use it against a monster or boss that has more hp then the damage the storman card does (plus the extra damage from boosts if you have any).

I hope I helped.

Jul 30, 2010
The effect provided by Storman is actually the AOE spell Darkwind. If you cast it on a mob with low hp <IE if Storman one-shots the mob> nothing additional happens. If however, you use it on a mob it does not kill, it displays the animation for Darkwind <the thunderbolt, then cloud circling the battle-ring> but there is no accompanying buff applied to the next storm school spells. The spell you're thinking of, probably, is from Storm Cat, which does 525 damage and applies a storm trap to the mob, assuming it lives. The spells are worded differently.

A similar affect is applied by the White Rat Magician card, and it is worded in the same way that Storman is. Storman is worded, "265 <storm> <damage> and +25% to all <storm> <damage> spells." White Rat Magician is worded "180 <myth> <damage> and +25% to all <myth> <damage> spells". When you cast the White Rat Magician card, assuming it does not one-shot the enemy, the animation for Time of Legend runs, and future myth spells receive a 25% bonus.

To contrast, Storm Cat is worded "525 <storm> <damage> and +25% to next <storm> <damage> spell."

To test, I've used mobs in Mooshu, and storm/myth wands against enemies with no resistance/weakness to said school. The wand I used to test White Rat Magician was Scepter of Lost Lore <45 myth damage>. Pre-White Rat Magician, the spell does 45 damage. Post White Rat Magician, the spell does 56 damage, as it should considering the +25% from Time of Legends. The Storman spell however, displays the Darkwind buff, and the storm spells remain unbuffed.