So, today I came across a very strange housing issue. In my Wysteria Villa, I found that it said I had gone over my housing limit. I checked my housing tab, and according to my calculations I was supposed to have about 201 items in my house, not the 328 it said I had. I believe this may have been because I was playing on a different device than normal, but I thought I'd notify you anyways.
So, today I came across a very strange housing issue. In my Wysteria Villa, I found that it said I had gone over my housing limit. I checked my housing tab, and according to my calculations I was supposed to have about 201 items in my house, not the 328 it said I had. I believe this may have been because I was playing on a different device than normal, but I thought I'd notify you anyways.
Thanks for letting us know. If you have any doubts about the number of items like this, please contact our support team and they can investigate further: