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Strangeness ?! Azteca bugs and bugs in general.

Aug 07, 2012
Hello.. Old timer here since around 2012... During the Azteca Final battle with Mailistare, several things was wrong. the hole that the duel takes place on is already gone ( note everything is loaded. no loading circles. ) And Malistare has no casting animation.. When i was done with the battle it did NOT gave me credit for finishing the battle and said i need to still, '' Stop Morganthe. '' and two enemies appered over the already present broken spot where malistare would of normally left off but that didn't happened at the end of the battle when you kill the two bosses and one minion.. when it said i needed to ''defeat'' morganthe. the ice boss and a grim calaca appered but it would not let me fight them.

Also during the battle I Have gotten a random, creepy friend request from a level 0 wizard.

When I Was at my home, alot of things was not loaded properly despite everything being loaded, I Could not interact with certains things such as plants. ( mainly tiger lilys and bread bushes. )

Enemies also in the twin giants area was not being loaded properly either as long with some NPCs.

Just pointing out these bugs. Kingisle, help! ~ Hunter Ghostbane, level 91.

Nov 19, 2009
If you have that issue log out and then log back in. If that doesn't Help then you should try reinstalling w101 Again. That solves a Lot of issues some players can have. If this Step don't solve it Contact W101 support from there help page on the website while logged in Here: www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game. Make sure your email related to your account is up to date Btw or they cannot help you.