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Stuck at "Weird Science" quest..?

Jul 12, 2012
Okay, I just finished Katzenstein's lab today, but at the end of the dungeon I talked to Grunk before I defeated Dr. Katzenstein, and he told me to make the clockwork. After I made the clockwork and talked to him, he told me to defeat Katzenstein. After I defeated him Grunk gave me the quest, "Weird Science." It had no arrow, and when I talked to Watson on Scotland roof, he told me that he'd meet me in Katzenstein's lab.

So I logged off to restart the dungeon, but when I logged back in and went in the dungeon, he didn't give me a quest at the beginning, and I couldn't do anything. I already realize that my mistake was talking to Grunk first, but what do I do now? Am I stuck? :(

Jun 07, 2012
When you were battling the last boss (the cat guy) did you talk to grunk first, before battling the cat guy?
I did that once, I did grunk's quest, and then I battled the cat guy.
I made THAT mistake only once.
I had to start the dungeon over because I did the order of my quest wrong

May 24, 2012
No cutting corners young wizards. Grunk is sitting BEHIND the "cat guy" for a reason. Defeat Katz, talk to Grunk, build your clockwork and go look for meow boy.

Mar 09, 2011
Same problem as above. Talked to Grunk and built the Toy before defeating Dr. Now I have "Locate Meowarity's Hideout in Unknown" as quest and nothing in the dungeon works. Watson on Scot Yard roof says to meet him in lab, but he is mum in lab. Seems to be frozen.

Would appreciate ideas, support, etc. to get through the Weird Science quest.

Aug 02, 2012
Defeat Dr.Katzetein before you talk to Grunk.
Grunk will tell you to get boxes and it's done.