My current 1 month membership expires 2010-02-26 which is almost a month yet.
I received a $20 gift card that I wanted to use for a 2 month membership.
Should I use it now or wait until 2010-02-26?
I just don't want the card to take effect right now, starting those 2 months now, overlapping what I already have and losing what is already paid until 2010-02-26.
So if I use the card now will I still get what is paid until 2010-02-26 PLUS the 2 months that the card is good for?
There's some hard & fast rules when it comes to billing (these are both process & technical coding rules):
1. An account can NEVER have more than 1 subscription actively applied 2. An account can NEVER be billed for a subscription until it's applied
So, ANY changes you make to a subscription term will not be billed, nor applied, until the end of the current paid term (that's the little astrick (*) you may see in an email receipt).
Pre-Paid Wizard101 Gift Cards - same rules apply, however, because they're pre-paid, they've already been "billed" (when you bought it at the store), so the time will just get appended to the current subscription term. In your example, if you redeemed it now, your ending date would change from 2/26/10 to 4/26/10.