This has a plus and a minus side to it, but for me it was making me crazy! LOL I planted 6 silver trumpet vines and one of them kept going into the "progress to dead" stage of development. I tended these things 4 times a day for a 3 month period. Only vanity compelled me to try to get the last one to elder (I was saving them for when you level up gardening). I had one go from elder to "progress to elder" when I harvested a "liked" Helephant Ears.
THE PLUS SIDE Because this plant perpetually went into death watch mode, I was constantly getting drops from the plant. Much more than you had programmed this plant to yield. Instead of a couple of harvestings from this plant, I was getting a 3 month supply of earthquakes, balance blades, gold, etc.
THE MINUS SIDE I wanted this plant at elder! I wanted relief! I wanted my 3000 gardening XP. After a while, I just wanted this plant to die, and ployed it. Nothing was worth all that tending.
So far, the silver trumpet vine is the only plant I have found that has this issue.