Why is it that every time I go in Sunken City, the sidewalks don't work!!??, it's really annoying and i have to go on and off the dungeon frustrated, is there a problem with Sunken City or something? Cause it's driving me crazy!
Are you referring to being pulled off the sidewalks? They do work, but you have a higher chance of being pulled into a battle there. If you are continuingly being stopped by an unseen object, which happens occassionally, I would suggest switching to another realm before you go in.
It's annoying but I think it was intended to be that way. When I first went in there like a bunch of levels back (alone I might add) I was immediately pulled off the side walk and into battle with like 3 things. I didn't win and didn't go back for a long time.
I think that's the way it's supposed to be. If you watch, and are very careful to maintain a decent distance from the mobs while on the sidewalk, you can stay our of their grasp and make it past safely. It takes some practice though.
It's best to just go through there at a higher level, and with 4 people. Make sure everyone sticks together, if one person gets in a battle, you all help out. It's really hard to beat it otherwise.
I quite like sunken city - it's the first 'big' effort for any wizard and teaches patience and good teamwork. I cant ride my dragon through there, I get caught too easily, though my children and my friends children have no problem with their mounts. We find it easiest for one to do the running while the other waits in a 'safe' position.
I have to say Sunken City is a bit of a wake up call for all of us who have become complacent after 'strolling' through Wizard City with ease. I like it.
Spices the game up nicely and gives new wizards a glimpse of what is to come, perhaps?
I quite like sunken city - it's the first 'big' effort for any wizard and teaches patience and good teamwork. I cant ride my dragon through there, I get caught too easily, though my children and my friends children have no problem with their mounts. We find it easiest for one to do the running while the other waits in a 'safe' position.
I have to say Sunken City is a bit of a wake up call for all of us who have become complacent after 'strolling' through Wizard City with ease. I like it.
Spices the game up nicely and gives new wizards a glimpse of what is to come, perhaps?
Quick tip, wait till you are a higher level to do this dungeon. It scared me at first. I decided tonight to go back and see if I could do it. And guess what? I beat Sunken City all on my own at level "35". It is not so hard as you think. Yeah I died a few times but I went right back in after I refueled.
It say's that if you leave you will have to start over, but there is a catch, if you die you don't have to start over. Plus, anything you kill minions and so forth they do not regenerate again. You only get pulled out into the streets two times to fight. They are mandantory fights. Once you are done with them as long as you stay on the side walks and steer clear of the monsters they won't pull you out in the street again by force.
Another tip. Create a transport spot close to each place you battle. This way if you die, you can port back to the place where you died so you can finish off what you started. You have thirty minutes to get back so you have plenty of time to regenerate yourself and your potions.
Another tip. When you are fighting three at a time focus on one beast to take out. Never take out the boss first in a den because "they will regenerate" if you die, I found this out myself. The minions however won't regenerate. Once they are dead they are dead and that leaves you with eitehr one or two monsters to fight depending on how many you managed to take out before you died.
Remember if you quit and leave the dungeon you have to start over unless you die. So don't throw your hands up if you die at first. Go back in and keep fighting till you win. It may take longer than an hour but it is possible. I did it all on my own.
I didn't have a healer or anyone helping me. I soloed at level 35, so this means anyone can do it at a higher level. I would say 35 makes it a bit more comfortable. Still a challenge, but not so bad a challenge that you can't do it on your own. I am horrible at gaming so if I can do it at that level so can anyone else. So rest assured sunken city may be hard but it is not impossible.
I got a cool pet from Grub I got that cat that flips a coin!
Ahh, good old Sunken City. Yeah, it may seem like the sidewalkes don't work, but my sister and I did the dungeon together and found that if you turn your entire front side away from the streets and walk really slow, you won't get pulled into so many fights. I think that there are a few fights that you need to do on the streets, but you might want to give that a try. If it doesn't work, I suggest getting A LOT of help.
I like sunken city because it is a challenge unlike most other quests. You can't just stay on the sidewalks and expect not to be pulled in by a monster. But that's just how sunken city is. Good luck on your quests.
I like Sunken City too, and I don't mind getting pulled into an duel. Last time when I got pulled into an duel by one of the Wailing Wraiths I got an tempest and dryad card for winning. If you really do not like getting pulled into an duel you should go near the wall of the buildings you are in, and when you round an sharp corner (this part is where most people get sucked into an duel) instead of rounding by pushing on the wall go to the center of the side walk and wait for the monsters that are near to go by, and then turn without pressing to the wall and you should be safe. :D
In order to finish off the 800 or so undead that I needed to get the last undead badge I did Sunken City solo about 6 or 7 times because if you clean house in there (kill everything until its a ghost town) you get about 65 or 75 kills an hour so that to me was the quickest way of finishing that badge.
I'm level 50 and I can get pulled off the sidewalk if I get to close but I can also safely navigate the entire dungeon just like any other street but it wasn't like that for me at far lower levels which is why I think lower levels are more strongly targeted to be pulled off the sidewalks.
Like the three ghosts at the beginning. I could never get around them now I can just zip right by them on the sidewalk and talk to Marla. I can do the whole quest without getting involved in street fights.