the quest is sending me to look for the celestia spiral key which i already have... am i the only one confused?
At one time that quest - Swimming with the Stars - was "required" to get the spiral key to Celestia. But KI changed that a long time ago. Now that quest is "optional".
the quest is sending me to look for the celestia spiral key which i already have... am i the only one confused?
If you do the first fight in that quest line and decline the next part of the mission you will not get the MarleyBone Warehouse in you book to have to try to complete and it takes the Swimming with the Stars out of your book. If you do not decline you will be sent to fights in various worlds and then given the one for the MarleyBone Warehouse.
It is a tower fight with many floors and cheating bosses, it can only be done after level 50 and only wizards with that quest or who had done that quest can help you - there is not porting in to help allowed, like most of these types if you are defeated you can re-enter and walk back to where you/your group left off. It can be weeks before you can get someone to help you with this since it is no longer a popular spot, somewhat the same as BriskBreeze.