When you press enter and the chat box appears, I've found that there's nowhere to put it without it covering something! At the top, covers enemy health! At the bottom, covers OUR health! On the left, covers up drops! On the right, covers tutorial tips!
When you press enter and the chat box appears, I've found that there's nowhere to put it without it covering something! At the top, covers enemy health! At the bottom, covers OUR health! On the left, covers up drops! On the right, covers tutorial tips!
Where can I put it?
Theres a small square in the bottom right hand corner what can adjust the size making it fit into more places (click on the tiny box with what appears to be too smaller boxes and drag it to the desired size)
Personally I have mine at the normal size just above the quest pointer
I find the only times its an issue is during battle but I can read peoples text bubbles so I close it, if i miss something i open it during the spell animations