It seems a lot of people are gonna start a boycott just for this one hoard pack. My question is that is this all necessary? You are not forced to buy it. It's only optional. And as for the GS it's only used once for the wand so it's not that big of a deal. Not everything in the game is about pvp. Hopefully if KI reads this they will fix it for all your complaints and make the game a much more less gambling place for all you complainers out there.
I find I am fine with the packs as long as they remain as they are and are not required to play the game, once I am required to purchase a pack to advance my wizard properly in the game and have no other options to it will be over for me.
My purpose in the game may be different then others. I play to level my wizard up questing in the worlds of the spiral. I do not need any fancy embellishments for this I have found, I have no problem with buying a broom to get around or the playhouse and adorn it with my winnings. My pet peeve for crowns is stitching gear when I get my wizard in the last outfit it will wear. If it is a wizard that I plan to delete when I am done with it any gear does fine. I still have choices on how I want to gear my wizard and make it the best it can be.
My only problem with these packs is the hoards of people who invest tons of crowns in them - don't get the one item they wanted and complain that they made the mistake of doing it - well duh.
I find I am fine with the packs as long as they remain as they are and are not required to play the game, once I am required to purchase a pack to advance my wizard properly in the game and have no other options to it will be over for me.
My purpose in the game may be different then others. I play to level my wizard up questing in the worlds of the spiral. I do not need any fancy embellishments for this I have found, I have no problem with buying a broom to get around or the playhouse and adorn it with my winnings. My pet peeve for crowns is stitching gear when I get my wizard in the last outfit it will wear. If it is a wizard that I plan to delete when I am done with it any gear does fine. I still have choices on how I want to gear my wizard and make it the best it can be.
My only problem with these packs is the hoards of people who invest tons of crowns in them - don't get the one item they wanted and complain that they made the mistake of doing it - well duh.
I agree completely. I just try and get stuff in the Crowns shop that can also be payed in gold.