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The Witch's Garden Quest, can't "Find Baba Yaga"

Nov 19, 2009
I'm trying to get past the "Defeat Baba Yaga" quest but although I can go into the instance, I cannot "find" her so I can continue the quest line. I've tried 10+ times, from relogging to restarting my game and approaching from different angles, but even when I'm on the spot I can't complete the quest goal. I'm going to email KI to see if someone can set that quest goal done so I can continue. I'm disappointed in Azteca v2.


Mar 18, 2009
Anil235 on Nov 21, 2015 wrote:
I'm trying to get past the "Defeat Baba Yaga" quest but although I can go into the instance, I cannot "find" her so I can continue the quest line. I've tried 10+ times, from relogging to restarting my game and approaching from different angles, but even when I'm on the spot I can't complete the quest goal. I'm going to email KI to see if someone can set that quest goal done so I can continue. I'm disappointed in Azteca v2.

I had this problem too, but a different outcome. The cause was due to my character fleeing and then returning after Baba Yaga was defeated. I reset the dungeon (went back via sigils, not recall), did the fight again with Baba, then made sure I did not flee at all. My quest was updated and continued to progress along the story.

The "find Baba Yaga" is very finicky.