I recently acquired the Theurge's Spell Deck. I have used it several times and have been disappointed in the performance. I think I am doing something wrong and would appreciate any help I can get.
Here is my information just in case it is needed:
Level: 25 Adept Therugist Gear: Boots of Citadel 46 health Fairy's Wand 6 cards Fine Jade Ring 48 health 36 mana Gobbestones Pendant 3 cards Nebit's Hood of Vision 64 health + 3% life and strength Shortblade of Refuge 54 health 42 mana Vest of Alacrity 96 health + 4% life and strength
Here is the issue: I am currenlty working on Krokotopia quests and have found that when first entering a battle the spell deck already shows no cards available. if it is really early in the deck I pass but get hte same thing. I have discarded cards to get a treasure card and have them greyed out as well. At the least it is frustrating. I know there is something that I am doing incorrectly but not sure what. I have read the post by Professor Mulinda Woo explaining the issue with drawing cards and I agree whole heartedly with it, but I am not sure if it explains why the cards can all be greyed out at the very first card choice in battle. Perhaps I am not experienced enough to handle this deck (not high enough level)?
Any help would be definitely appreciated. Thanks everyone!!!!
Since my last posting I have unequipped all my decks, I had 4, and re-equipped the Theurge's Deck. I have also put 2 of my decks into my bank. I now carry the Theurge's Deck and the Novice Life Deck. I went to battle some fairies on Unicorn Way and still had issues with most of the cards dealt being greyed out. I have discarded them and chosen what was available or have passed and the cards come back in color but then the next time it come for me to choose I still have the same issue.
Since my last posting I have unequipped all my decks, I had 4, and re-equipped the Theurge's Deck. I have also put 2 of my decks into my bank. I now carry the Theurge's Deck and the Novice Life Deck. I went to battle some fairies on Unicorn Way and still had issues with most of the cards dealt being greyed out. I have discarded them and chosen what was available or have passed and the cards come back in color but then the next time it come for me to choose I still have the same issue.
Again any suggestions would be helpful.
Although I think I understand your problem I am not sure so will give it a try. First no matter how many decks you have in your backpack only one can be the active at a time and you must equip it to be so. Second you click on the icon for your deck down the side of your back pack screen and choose which spell cards you want to put in that deck. What cards to carry in you deck becomes a personal thing, every one fights differently so no one can tell you for sure what to put in your deck, after that if you click on the last icon at the top you can put in some treasure cards also. Once you discard a spell from your current hand in battle it is removed from your deck for that fight, in other words if you have one sprite in your deck and you discard it it will not show back up in the dual. Personally no matter what deck I equip for most all fights I have between 15-20 max in my deck, this helps make the ones I need come up faster and helps make fights go faster. This rule is for most mob and boss fights, long dungeons will require a few more cards added in so you don't run out.
Your grayed out problem relates to the pips which are white and yellow glowing dots that are in front of your wizard during battle, all spell cards accept 0 ones require pip(s) to use, you must have the pips required in front of your wizard to use the spell, the number needed is on the card. There are several ways to wait for the right number of pips, you can shield, throw and wand spell, blade and or trap the monster etc..
Hope this helps and addresses some of your issue. I know this is a problem in beginning play for many because I have explained it to quite a few wizards in game.
Really? Problems? What problems? I used the Theurge's Deck for about 10 levels and had no trouble with it. And about the graying out...are you sure you have enough pips to cast the spells?
Thank you very much for the help. That explains a LOT!!!!!!. I now truly understand how the PIPS work and how they and the cards work together. Very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ofr taking the time to epxlain. Now that I understand how this works it makes perfect sense. I went throught he Emrporer's Retreat with NO ISSUES. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another criterium for casting a spell is the amount of mana you have left. If you're down to , say, 2 mana, you may cast spells that require 2 or fewer mana. If you have 2 pips, 2 mana, and a spell that requires 2 pips, after casting it you will use 2 pips and 2 mana. On the next round, you'll get another pip but not more mana.
If you have no mana, all cards will be greyed out.
This happens so infrequently that when it does, it is really disconcerting, and people forget the role mana plays in casting spells.
Thanks for the heads up on that. that too may have been the problem. Since wathcing and understanding how PIPS and cards work the spells are much more easily chosen and it makes play more insteresting. Adds a lot more tactical consideration to the game.