I'm fairly certain you've encountered them by now. The Mob Pullers: The kind of players who take immense joy in joining a duel to pull another enemy in, only to IMMEDIATELY flee before they even do anything, leaving you to deal with the enemies.
It doesn't matter what world your in, it doesn't matter what level you are, it happens to all of us sooner or later. And when it does happen, it usually results in either you being defeated, or having to flee the duel because your now in an unwinnable situation.
What's worse is that this practice is usually executed by those who don't seem to care for the "No Creative Profanity" rule, because usually it's accompanied by some choice words that I wouldn't associate with adult magazines.
This nonsense is making it EXTREMELY difficult for the victims of this practice to quest, it's resulting in lots of verbal abuse and foul language between both parties that USUALLY ends with someone getting muted, and it's just morally wrong anyway. It is something we should be ASHAMED of for allowing to happen.
A friend of mine who was questing in Khrysalis met THE most salty player in existence today, who did the following, in this order:
Got mad and started insulting her when she tried to come in and help when these folks were about to lose a fight.
Told her several crude things that resulted in a report.
Performed the "Mob Pulling" thing I mentioned before.
Said that she would ensure my friend NEVER make any progress in Khrysalis that day by trolling her using the "Mob Pulling" method I previously mentioned.
I'll let that sink in for a moment.
*** 2 HOURS LATER ***
This Wizard had the nerve to tell my friend that she will be unable to make any progress in Khrysalis because she would be followed and have the "Mob Pulling" thing done to her in every battle!?
You, nameless Wizard, have earned my "SELFISH PLAYER OF THE YEAR AWARD!"
I hope none of you ever run into a Wizard like that. They are leeches, and self-deluded, if they think they've accomplished anything aside from being a burden on the rest of us.
Guys, we can't let this abuse go on any longer. WE HAVE TO FIX THIS.
Switching realms may be the most obvious answer, but the sad part is, that's really only going to work assuming you aren't followed by the troll in question or any of his/her friends. And there have been groups of these people hanging around in some areas, ruining the experience for everyone passing through these places.
While we could always rely on ignoring people to fix this issue, the sad fact of the matter is: There's no way to stop malicious players from joining your battles and sabotaging you.
The only real option would be to multi-box with 4 accounts, have 4 Wizards on your accounts grouped, and have the grouped Wizard quest solo so other people can't join you. However, there's naught but verbal abuse by people who need the same monsters that you need to quest down that road, so this one isn't used often.
Ultimately, it will be up to KingsIsle to come up with a way to combat this issue. Perhaps by suspending a players account for the rest of the current day if the game detects they've "Mob Pulled" more then, say, 3 times a day? Of course, this runs the risk of suspending people who AREN'T doing this simply to troll other players, simply to punish those who ARE, which is something we should avoid if at all possible, but it is an option if it proves to be necessary.
So, that brings me to you guys. How would YOU go about dealing with this problem? What kind of punishments should be given to frequent practitioners of this forbidden action? It's already guaranteed that getting muted isn't going to do diddly squat to stop this ( in fact, it might just make the problem worse ). Let me know down below.