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Turn being skipped automatically

Nov 24, 2012
For the past couple of days I have been experiencing a bug that changes my point of view from watching the battle to the back of my character. After the perspective is changed if I have not already selected a spell it automatically skips my turn. I am forced to pass without being able to choose my spell even if there is plenty of time left on the turn. The bug seems to happen randomly. Initially I thought it would just go away by itself but after some time I realized that it would not go away by itself. I tried to fix it through the settings but there does not seem to be a way. It would be greatly appreciated if you guys could help fix this issue.

Jun 03, 2009
This happens to me so frequently on my life character. I'm guessing it only happens frequently on low-level worlds. At least that's what I'm experiencing.

But honestly, if it happens so frequently on my Life, which is currently in Dragonspyre, that I don't wanna play it. I had been killed so many times due to this bug. If I had cast that spell I would've won, but nope my turn gets skipped and the boss takes my few remaining health points.

This bug had been happening for literally years now. Fix this now.

Dec 30, 2012
This is happening to me as well. Forced perspective change, turn being skipped, Character gets K.O.ed.

I Would very much like to see this bug fixed, as it is an inconvenience at low levels, but an insurmountable obstacle at higher ones.

May 13, 2018
Jun 27, 2012
Started happening to me today. What is this?

Dec 23, 2014
Usually happens to me when i'm in a mob battle during the phase of selecting spells and someone else has just finished a battle, which forces an auto pass. (For example, Colossus Boulevard)