You get a lot of Tutorial Tips when you are a low level wizard. But when your a level go you don't get too many tips because your like a pro. When i was level 40, i got a quest tip. That i got at the beginning of the game. If i am in the commons at level 40 or so, the message about your in an area with monsters in it appears. Then after that the whole line of tutorial tips i have gotten from the times i was playing the game repeated and it's not fun having all those tips randomly pop up and you having to close them out. If your professor calls you because your ready for a new spell, and it's happened before you know it's just the glitch. but if you really are going to get the spell you might get confused and not get it. Please fix it because i love play Wizard101.
Yea this is an issue I have been having since Day 1 of me playing this game. I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is saved locally on the computer, so if you play the game on a new computer or you re-install the game, the tips are going to appear again because I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is stored locally and not on the server.
Yea this is an issue I have been having since Day 1 of me playing this game. I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is saved locally on the computer, so if you play the game on a new computer or you re-install the game, the tips are going to appear again because I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is stored locally and not on the server.
That's correct. Anytime you re-install or use a different computer, it will load all of your previous teacher or quest notifications/tips. It's really bad when you are maxed out and have to click on every one since the start of the game.
Yea this is an issue I have been having since Day 1 of me playing this game. I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is saved locally on the computer, so if you play the game on a new computer or you re-install the game, the tips are going to appear again because I believe that the Tutorial Tips data is stored locally and not on the server.
The problem is that i didn't reinstall or change computers. I just played the game on my same computer one day then the next all the tutorial tips popped up again.