Today, I went to Ravenwood to get the daily assignment from Ageon ( Unsure how to spell ) and he said to visit Knight's Court in Marleybone, but the problem is I'm only on Chelsea Court. I Know this is probably not a bug, but I don't want my Daily assignments to reset, as I was on Day 11. Is it possible to stay on day 11, or am I gonna have to restart? Or, is there a way to just do another quest?
The Daily Assignments are divided into groups based on your Wizard's level. If you have leveled a bit faster than you've progressed through the main storyline, there may be some occasions where you don't yet have access to an area for your Assignment. If you are unable to complete the Assignment for that day, for this or any other reason, you can always come back the next day and continue on with your assignments from there. It won't reset to day 1.