Today I bought a new house. It's a Wizard City house, the 8000-gold one. I decided to start decorate my new yard, when I see a Unicorn ( ) in front of me. I got very confused and teleported to the commons. A few seconds later, I teleported back to my house and the unicorn was still there. I stood there for a while, then the unicorn vanished. Is this supposed to happen? :?
Today I bought a new house. It's a Wizard City house, the 8000-gold one. I decided to start decorate my new yard, when I see a Unicorn ( ) in front of me. I got very confused and teleported to the commons. A few seconds later, I teleported back to my house and the unicorn was still there. I stood there for a while, then the unicorn vanished. Is this supposed to happen? :?
Allison Silverblade Storm Wizard :)
Have no fear young wizard the Unicorn is a "feature" of the wooded cottage, it appears at random and will not disturb you in any way. Consider it your lucky Unicorn that is watching over you while you are in your yard.
oh i have that house on my highest. the unicorn is supposed to be there. it won't come up when your previewing the house but it will after you buy it. it's a nice surprise.
Today I bought a new house. It's a Wizard City house, the 8000-gold one. I decided to start decorate my new yard, when I see a Unicorn ( ) in front of me. I got very confused and teleported to the commons. A few seconds later, I teleported back to my house and the unicorn was still there. I stood there for a while, then the unicorn vanished. Is this supposed to happen? :?
Allison Silverblade Storm Wizard :)
My Life and Storm wizards have that house, as did my sorceress (when she was a baby wizard), and I've seen this before as well. I've never questioned it, though... the Spiral is a magical place, after all. ;)