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Unrealistic Reporting of Players

Jan 23, 2010
I am an adult player new to Wizard. I have only been playing for about 3 months now and I am very mindful of what I post. I don't use profanity in the real world and therefore would never think of using it in the game. I am not a level 46 Wizard and after talking with other Grands and higher level Wizards, I am noticing a trend from newer players and younger kids.

I have kids and adults listed as friends and we all play in teams here and there. We hang out and have a good time. But I encountered a child on the game at level 7 and she tried to keep added me as a friend and I would decline. The big reason is because she was near us with a group of friends and they seemed to not be able to speak with one another without calling names or trying to use profanity in the game. She became irrate when I would not add her so I became the focus of their conversation. My friends and I moved to another area to continue talking. In the next minute or two, I got a message that I had been reported for profanity. Kids are beginning to use this for any reason because they know it could result in banning of your account.

Is there not anymore control that can be put on this?

When you report someone, or you are reported, a message is sent directly to Mr Lincoln that includes the chat logs of everything that was said before and after that report.

Mr Lincoln then reads the log and assess the situation. He determines how bad the offense was, looks up prior offenses for the reported individual, and based on that assessment he issues sanctions such as muting or banning and sends an email to the offending account explaining the violation and the sanctions.

If the report was falsely made, that is determined as well, and the player who made the false report is investigated as to whether or not they have made previous false reports. False reports are just a egregious as valid ones, and similar sanctions can be levied against repeat offenders of false reporting.

Everything that a player enters into the chat window is logged. These larger chat logs are also routinely checked for those infractions that are not reported.

If someone is constantly bugging you for friends requests, we have given you two options:
1. Turn off Friend Requests altogether (just press ESC and find it in the options panels under Privacy Options -> Allow Friend Requests)
2. Ignore that person (click on the player in the game or their name in the chat window - the friends panel will appear and you can click Ignore)

Aug 01, 2009
Yes, I went through that also. I'm an adult that enjoys this game very much (my brother plays also). lol

Anyways, I had someone start arguing with me, outright, with no prior communication between us. I simply said "Huh?" and right away received a message stating I was reported and could be banned, etc. I sent an E-mail about that and was told the same, that there's a log showing our conversation. So that's a relief.. Thanks.

However, I did come across a kid that was cursing his head off, one evening. He knew how to get around the filtering, and was really letting it fly. So my team mate and I both reported him. The System Admins must've fainted when they saw his language. lol Hopefully he's been dealt with.

May 15, 2009
i see kids use names to make curses into sentences i seen it all too often i been called a donkey's rear end by a poor sport grand master whom i beat ( my own school too)
so i tend to ignore but i do REPORT constant harassment or cursing as i will NOT tolerate children like that ruining the game by trolling ( no pun intended)

Jun 06, 2009
i no rite? its so annoying when they cuss you out with actual curses worked around the filter.

one time there was a girl wizard in a pve battle i was in. i had a real bad hand and could only really cast heal and shield spells. anyway, this girl was apparently incapable of thinking this was not the result of me being a "fool fool fool fool fool fool". actual quote. from her. when i got annoyed ("say something with out the word fool!") she reverted to ... i cant remember what , but if i could, i couldnt post it.
anyway, i decided to chew her out myself instead of reporting. so i friended her ("what you do that for fool") and text chatted to her exactly why she should stop ("it annoying and ppl like, what i do wrong?"). luckily, she stopped.

point is, if she continued, i WOULD have reported. ppl who use reporting as a way to get back at non-friend-accepters are misusing it big-time. its supposed to be to get ppl to not be inappropriate, like an ultimatum: quit swearing or get banned!

a word to compulsive cussers. think about this: would you cuss ppl out like that in the real world, where you can get slapped/hit/etc.?

Oct 10, 2009
yeah that also happened to me i started a new character and then when i went into a battle with another guy with text chat he was level 1 ice and when i came in the battle he said: Hello NOOB and then i said: what? and then he said: i have a grandmaster character you noob and then i said: thats mean and then he reported me and then ran away he false reported me

Jun 04, 2009
lizardmaster12 wrote:
yeah that also happened to me i started a new character and then when i went into a battle with another guy with text chat he was level 1 ice and when i came in the battle he said: Hello NOOB and then i said: what? and then he said: i have a grandmaster character you noob and then i said: thats mean and then he reported me and then ran away he false reported me

People should not report people for no reason.
It is just plain weird.
You need to report them, if you can, for false repoting you.
"This player has reported me for doing nothing bad at all, exept defending myself"

You defended yourself, telling him what he just did was wrong, and name calling, too. He might have a grandmaster, but you might be more powerfull or stronger!

Take action in false reports. Don't sit on the side. Don't be afraid to report people. If they are hiding curses in there words, just changeing it up a bit, then you need to report. Inapropriatness, bad language, name calls, report it. If you think it is false, then give them a chance. More bad language? Time to talk.

Wizard101 is a safe community, so keep it that way.

Hannah Dragonsword, level 39 fire :)

Jul 30, 2009
I've been lucky in those regards, although the longer I play, the more and more I see of higher level members picking on lower level ones...

Should be interesting when I start battling my new Myth wizard...Considering she just earned her Master Artisan badge (and is wearing it), yet she's only Level 8 and hasn't even started yet on the story quests in WC.

I think it'll be kinda funny if any of those higher level players try calling me a noob, playing her.

Mar 15, 2009
I'd like to see someone report ME for no reason at all and run off getting away with it.

Mar 19, 2009
I am not an adult but I do know that people are reporting for dumb reasons or being rude to one another.

Jun 06, 2009
what really doesnt make sense is that ki doesnt let us use numbers or apostrophes, but has no problem with "noob" "fool" and even "grind".

no really! once there was this guy called corwin or something like that. anyway he randomly started shouting "grind ellie" whoever she is. um shouldnt stuff like that be blocked?!?!?

and earlier he was saying "give me your account info"!!!!! sheesh.

oh, there was this one guy who was at a gray-market card-for-mount transaction. and he was like "if you dont give [the mount] to me ill report you". he was seriously threatening to false report someone! scaaaaaaary.
cave at um to err (caveat emptor), i always say.

point is, "corwin" gets the report, mr gray-market gets banned if he follows thru on his threat. reports get used for, plz help me post the list here guys:

* asking for personal info
* profanity
* and undoubtedly a lot more

names not changed to protect identities.

Mar 02, 2010
I have an lvl 36 balance wiz that was reported for no reason and got banned and it was only the second time that he was reported. I would like to know why he was banned for no reason because i got off when i got on in the morning it said i was banned. I though you guys were suppose to look into the reports because if you did my balance wouldnt be banned for no reason.

so i think you should just make it so you cant report. and just watch what people say if they say anything sexual or bad warn them they do it again banned them.

May 31, 2009
Hey cut the kids some slack will ya? i am a teenager and i understand what you guys are saying but you dont need to be hating on the children, most of them are honest and dont do that with all do respect. Some of the younger children do but they are too young to even know better. I'm just saying you guys dont need to base your audience on children. I see way too many adults do this as well, as sad as that may sound, i do. I had a friend who was indeed an adult with three children as stated by himself. One of my exfriends told him something i did not say and he started cursing me out in text chat, i kept questioning him but he ignored me. I had no other choice to report for profanity. I have had many other adults who have acted much more immature than that so please dont be acting like its all the kids or mostly the kids, cause its not.

May 15, 2009
darknightsoulreaper2 wrote:
I have an lvl 36 balance wiz that was reported for no reason and got banned and it was only the second time that he was reported. I would like to know why he was banned for no reason because i got off when i got on in the morning it said i was banned. I though you guys were suppose to look into the reports because if you did my balance wouldnt be banned for no reason.

so i think you should just make it so you cant report. and just watch what people say if they say anything sexual or bad warn them they do it again banned them.

cursing is not the only reason they ban yo uknow
they also ban/suspended for harassment eggging on fights
asking for personal info
threatening to hack false report etc etc etc
trying to scam anything like that

Mar 13, 2010
i know how this is, i haven't been reported but i do know what the mount harressment is like. my boyfriend recently got a one day black horse mount and while he was in the olde town bazzre this kid kept going "can i have your mount?" and trying to add him, kane told him that he couldn't trade and that it was only for one day but the boy contuied and said "but i want it," and tried to add kane again. luckily i have a smart boyfriend who blocked the kid, but really if the admins would get on just one day and go around the streets of the shopping distract they'd find that people are asking for log ins to give crowns, mounts and even cards which could be traded easily through the friend trade system.

Aug 14, 2009
i hate it when people report you for no reason, i dont know if you can do this, but whenever someone reports me for no reason, i report them back for false report because i see things saying false report will not be tolerated.

Once my friend and I were talking and some guy was riding on a pony acting annoying, then when we told him he got into a fight, then some of my friends started porting to me, then some guy comes out and tell us the queen of all words in a bad way, i believe i reported him, then he reported my friend and me for nothing, then i reported him back for false report. Kingsisle is it okay to report someone for false report?

Jan 17, 2010
i don't think false reporting is a very good offense this is because remember, KI checks the CHAT before and after the report right? So unfortunately if they don't hint they false reported you it's not a reportable offense

Question: Kingsisle is it okay to report someone for false report?

Answer: No - Nope - Not Ever - Never

Consider: KingsIsle Support PEOPLE read & evaluate every report. The more junk & false reports they have to wade through, the longer it takes to get to the VALID reports (the ones with the swearing, harassing, soliciting, exchanging of personal information and all the other truly egregious behaviors that a very small percentage of the playing population engages in).

In the course of this evaluation process, the Support Team identifies the false reports all by themselves. In-game reports are flagged “True” or “False” – PERIOD. Those reporting people for false reporting are also marked for false reporting (this is one scenario where 2 negatives DO NOT equal a positive) – so, those reporting other players for false reporting, get marked themselves for false reporting. All false reporters face sanctioning equally as it’s the game equivalent of “crying wolf” or “Fire!” in a theater.

Feb 19, 2010
I too hate to see false reporting. A very good friend of mine was false reported by during a PvP battle because the person got mad that she was taunting the other team during the battle, and the taunts were no more vulgar than the standard chat battle taunts.

Unfortunately some people act immature no matter how old or young they are and there's not a whole lot that can be done about that. Our best hope is that K.I.'s support staff thoroughly checks out each report and maybe imposes some slightly stricter sanctions against those that repeatedly false report, maybe something like IP banning for a said amount of time so they can't create a new account the same day they are banned.

James Deathmancer - Lvl 31 Magus Necromancer

Aug 10, 2009
Death66103 wrote:
I too hate to see false reporting. A very good friend of mine was false reported by during a PvP battle because the person got mad that she was taunting the other team during the battle, and the taunts were no more vulgar than the standard chat battle taunts.

Unfortunately some people act immature no matter how old or young they are and there's not a whole lot that can be done about that. Our best hope is that K.I.'s support staff thoroughly checks out each report and maybe imposes some slightly stricter sanctions against those that repeatedly false report, maybe something like IP banning for a said amount of time so they can't create a new account the same day they are banned.

James Deathmancer - Lvl 31 Magus Necromancer

There is a guy named Dakota boom walker he has been false reporting i want it to stop he also has been swearing when i asked him to stop he reported me please help me out Thanks.

Aug 14, 2009
I am so mad because i always get false reported about a few times a week

I got reported today and yesterday for NO REASON, I was just asking to trade cards, then BOOM, reported. I was in olde town then BOOM reported and that guy said i used foul language, but i didn't at all I hate this so much and I also hate it when people impersonate Kingsisles staff and the creator, they are alway like "I am the creator and I can ban you from this game forever." or "I am the creators son/daughter and i will ban you from wizard101." But I dont believe them at all.

Does Kingisles know about impersonation, i dont know but I know its a ban able offense,so I guess they know.

Sorry if i expressed this harshly, but I just can't stand it anymore

Aug 14, 2009
MrLincoln wrote:
Question: Kingsisle is it okay to report someone for false report?

Answer: No - Nope - Not Ever - Never

Consider: KingsIsle Support PEOPLE read & evaluate every report. The more junk & false reports they have to wade through, the longer it takes to get to the VALID reports (the ones with the swearing, harassing, soliciting, exchanging of personal information and all the other truly egregious behaviors that a very small percentage of the playing population engages in).

In the course of this evaluation process, the Support Team identifies the false reports all by themselves. In-game reports are flagged “True” or “False” – PERIOD. Those reporting people for false reporting are also marked for false reporting (this is one scenario where 2 negatives DO NOT equal a positive) – so, those reporting other players for false reporting, get marked themselves for false reporting. All false reporters face sanctioning equally as it’s the game equivalent of “crying wolf” or “Fire!” in a theater.

Thank you, Mr. Lincoln, I will not report someone back for false report again.

Jun 28, 2009
I've been playing for a while and just a few days ago was reported for the first time. I was using my Death Grandmaster and standing in the commons when a low level player, most likely a new player, came running up to me and started yelling "DIE" and the likes. I suppose it may have been my Death school pet but he was also charging into me and backing up then charging into me again. I moved out of his path after the fourth or fifth time and said "You aren't going to make any friends that way." He stopped charging me, told me "That was mean" then reported me. I thought the whole thing was so funny I wanted to share it here.

Anyway I was nice enough to explain that what he did was false reporting and he could get in trouble if he keeps doing that. So ya, I know how it feels and it is annoying to put it mildly. Just try to handle it the way I did by correcting the person nicely as they may honestly not understand the rules of reporting. If nothing else just change servers and be done with the whole incident.

Feb 08, 2009
i got reported for doing nothing and these guys just kept making me and my team mad bragging and bragging and bragging ect ect. Then when we told them to be queit and win already they reported us

Oct 11, 2009
that has happend with me to they get mad and lie to get you off i will tell you what happens to them they get banned not you for reporting for no apparent reason example when i got reported i am a kid so i was talking with a buddy about pokemon well someone reported me for saying the word pokemon and you know how you have to fake to curse ( whick i never do) well to say pokemon i did not have to fake at all well they report me because the looking for a exuse to report me for not adding them