Just logged in to check "Pitter Pattern" and though I was initially sceptical (no indicator for me over Sohomer's head - not sure if others have this issue), the quest has finally been fixed! I think...
Thank you! It took a while and it was disheartening to see "it's fixed" only for it not to be fixed, but now it has been!
EDIT: Only one of my wizards can talk to Sohomer (Pitter Pattern). I've just logged the other on, taken every quest he has to offer (All the Eels, Trouble Underfoot) but there is nothing about Pitter Pattern. Not sure what happened there, but it's sad nonetheless.
I did the Max-level Doomsday Krok earlier today, and I can confirm that the enemies there are now working properly. The Cybermanders now gain Power Pips and the Time Butterfly has it's proper cheats.
I wanted to know if you guys will be working on fixing the storm lord quest bug.. My membership expires soon I can quest without it for a while but It'll be hard when I have to solo a boss for spells or enchants like in azteca.