Wanting to buy the super bundle, but Gamestop and Walmart do not carry it, despite the Wizard 101 web page saying they do. I even searched Gamestop and Walmart online and you can't find or mail order the cards. Any ideas on how I can get hold of a card?
I'd say it's best just to wait a bit; let the hype cool down so the cards aren't flying off the shelves the moment they are restocked. That's what I noticed when I got my Epic Bundle last year. Good luck finding one!
Wanting to buy the super bundle, but Gamestop and Walmart do not carry it, despite the Wizard 101 web page saying they do. I even searched Gamestop and Walmart online and you can't find or mail order the cards. Any ideas on how I can get hold of a card?
I live in the Seattle are and have called every single game stop listed to find one that carries the super bundle. I did not succeed. Not only did they not have the cards in stock, but had never seen the new super bundle or knew anything about it. One store doesn't carry the Wizard101 prepaid cards at all. I realize that these cards are new and therefore might not be distributed nationwide yet but Seattle is a fairly big city and so I don't understand why no one carries them, when obviously they're out and available in other cities. Which brings up the necessity for exclusive 3rd party (gamestop) selling rights when its obvious that (at least in Seattle) the motivation for distributing and selling the cards is not high on their list of priorities. Why not offer them virtually online? It would surely open up purchasing opportunities for those without the means to find an outside place of business. I'm not saying don't use GameStop, but why offer them the contract for exclusive distribution rights. They obviously are in no hurry to bring your product to market. I'm really happy I called (and called and called) around before driving all the way to the Gamestop store location, only to find out they didn't have it in stock, didn't know when or if they would be getting it anytime soon, and couldn't be bothered to find out for me, which is what I got on the phone. Maybe someone should have a talk with those guys.
I was wondering about the same issue - where to get the newest game cards.
I have two Gamestops close to me, fortunately.
I have checked them both for the newest epic house bundle, and neither of them has it. They do still have Sultan's Palace at one of the stores, and I found out that the other store actually has the Mythical Palace (pardon me if I don't have the exact name of these cards).
It was a pleasant surprise to find the Mythical, as I had heard that no one carries it now, as it has been all sold out. It is puzzling, however, that Gamestop is carrying it, as it is supposed to be carried by Toys R Us. That is okay by me, since the nearest Toys store is about 45 miles from me, and perhaps that is the reason why the Mythical Palace is being stocked at a Gamestop in my area.
I did get the Hawk Rider card at Walmart, yay! It looked like they were going quickly, as only 8 left there last week.
Thank you, Professor Greyrose, for that information on the distributor of the cards, as it seems that the distribution rules might vary in certain areas. I will give a call.
FYI, fellow card seekers, I am in western Massachusetts. I thought this might be helpful for others to know this who are in this area, and who are looking for gift cards, especially the newest ones!
I can hardly wait to have my own personal gifting gorilla!
me to, and the mount. But, I live in Ada, Oklahoma, and there is no game stop near by, but only walmart! Can my Walmart have it, if you can try?Its the super bundle. ;)