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Website login and connection issues

Aug 10, 2009

Today i was working on the charging station instance.. the game shut down after I had gotten to the trickster and had bought henchmen for the fight.. I had spent 600 crowns on up until that point, and the game kicked me out.. I was able to log in and i was outside the instance and will have to start it over..
I know this wasnt an issue on my end as I can access the rest of the internet just fine.. Please fix the issue you have with the game because it is frustrating to spend out real money for crowns, just to have them wasted

Jul 02, 2015
When I tried to play today, at first it wouldn't let me log in at all, telling me that Wizard101 was offline yet a friend was playing. I uninstalled then reinstalled and all was working fine till a few moments into the game I got an error message saying "Problem. Could not connect to Wizard101. Please try again later." and it forces me to quit and close the game. Is there any way to fix it? It lets me login and play for about 5 minutes before giving me the same error. It also has an icon on the top left showing that it's downloading something but the download progress stays at 0%. Please help!

Sep 19, 2016
Okay now, I had to enter 5 different captchas to log in today. I assure you that I am no robot, although my employer seem to think that I am lol. This has been going on since February 21st. Please, is it my pc or the website? Very frustrating. Help....

Feb 12, 2015
Connection issues appear to be happening a lot lately. KingsIsle has said that they're working on it, just wait a bit!

Oct 27, 2009
I was in the game yesterday, and had just arrived in the zone for my daily quest, when it popped up the box saying, "Could not connect to wizard [Quit]". The odd thing is that I could see the game running outside the box (not frozen) and could still move my wizard under control and hear what people were saying. I entered a fight and could even see one of my cards peeking past the side of the box, but it did not let me select it. The game seemed to be trying to load files for the pennyfarthing unsuccessfully. I quit and logged in fast to find myself still in the fight and with pips. I had no problem logging back on.

Apr 05, 2019
Same thing is happening to me. i uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times. Pleas help!

Apr 05, 2019
xZeeraq on Apr 12, 2019 wrote:
When I tried to play today, at first it wouldn't let me log in at all, telling me that Wizard101 was offline yet a friend was playing. I uninstalled then reinstalled and all was working fine till a few moments into the game I got an error message saying "Problem. Could not connect to Wizard101. Please try again later." and it forces me to quit and close the game. Is there any way to fix it? It lets me login and play for about 5 minutes before giving me the same error. It also has an icon on the top left showing that it's downloading something but the download progress stays at 0%. Please help!
Same thing here, very confused and reinstalled and uninstalled 3 times. Please help!

Jan 16, 2014
There's two solution I found that works. Use another computer to access Wizard101 servers. Or you can download the game files from someone that has them all and place them in C:\ProgramData\KingsIsle Entertainment\Wizard101\Data
I'm sorry, but for now that is the only solution that comes to mind for now.

Aug 03, 2014
xZeeraq on Apr 12, 2019 wrote:
When I tried to play today, at first it wouldn't let me log in at all, telling me that Wizard101 was offline yet a friend was playing. I uninstalled then reinstalled and all was working fine till a few moments into the game I got an error message saying "Problem. Could not connect to Wizard101. Please try again later." and it forces me to quit and close the game. Is there any way to fix it? It lets me login and play for about 5 minutes before giving me the same error. It also has an icon on the top left showing that it's downloading something but the download progress stays at 0%. Please help!
Yes, mine had similar where 'waiting for items to be delivered to my house' remained on one thing at 0% eternally (ended up crashing a wee bit later and having to relaunch back in).

There was a quite major access issue yesterday though and it may not be quite resolved yet. KingsIsle were amazing at keeping us informed and working on solutions well past office hours. They're aware of some issues atm and we need to be patient while they iron them all out. This is an unusual situation for KI and W101 - things usually run smoothly at all times.

IDK what has caused it, perhaps a bug in new items added or a glitch with the member benefit or something due to test realm being open or even something as unwholesome as a DDOS attack...but KI are on it and working on making everything perfectly smooth as usual again

Bear with them and please be reassured that it is almost certainly not your computer or connection or anything your end. It's affected a lot of us and KI are working overtime to sort it for us all

Aug 03, 2014
DeathGem67 on Apr 12, 2019 wrote:
Okay now, I had to enter 5 different captchas to log in today. I assure you that I am no robot, although my employer seem to think that I am lol. This has been going on since February 21st. Please, is it my pc or the website? Very frustrating. Help....
How do you know you're not a robot? If you have advanced AI capacities...you could be!

Sorry...I'm an idiot (part of the reason I am pretty sure I am not a robot...no-one would make one this daft!)...it's been doing it for a few of us recently, me included. I'm not sure what it is but mine has always worked after one capture. Did it make you go through 5 consecutively or was it 5 different log-ins?

Maybe Sparck has some ideas about it?

Dec 09, 2008
Please email support@wizard101.com and we'll be happy to help you out here!

Dec 09, 2008
Hi all! We're still working on the problem, though most of you should be able to enter the game fine now.

Please keep watch at KI_Alerts: https://twitter.com/KI_Alerts

And no, you don't need a Twitter account to watch the page :).

Aug 03, 2014
Idony09 on Apr 11, 2019 wrote:

Today i was working on the charging station instance.. the game shut down after I had gotten to the trickster and had bought henchmen for the fight.. I had spent 600 crowns on up until that point, and the game kicked me out.. I was able to log in and i was outside the instance and will have to start it over..
I know this wasnt an issue on my end as I can access the rest of the internet just fine.. Please fix the issue you have with the game because it is frustrating to spend out real money for crowns, just to have them wasted
You're right that it was unlikely your end but it was an unforeseen problem and KI have worked to resolve the issues quickly and effectively.

I'm really sorry you used crowns and they might have ended up wasted because of this problem, but if you'd like help with the dungeon I am happy to help you so at least it won't cost you any more crowns to try again.

Let me know if you'd like help - just say your wizard name and usual playing times (include time zone) and we can arrange to meet in game.

Oct 11, 2010
I have 4 systems they all do the same thing when a file download is needed to load a boss or an item it stops at 0% and game will kick me out saying server not available even know I am already in the game. Change this so even if a file download for "optional" textures is not loaded the client does not crash. I don't mine stick figures or invisable players if the game keeps me logged in.

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks Victoria for responding here so quickly!

Idony09, please keep watch on KI_Alerts on Twitter for updates on our progress here. Our sincere apologies about the continued issues: https://twitter.com/KI_Alerts

Feb 13, 2016
Today i was playing and lvling like normal than it started to load something in the top left than after that it said ERROR cannot connect to wizard 101. Please try again later. So i tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it is still doing the same thing it does it every time i try to play i literately cant play please help.

Sep 10, 2016
Idony09 on Apr 11, 2019 wrote:

Today i was working on the charging station instance.. the game shut down after I had gotten to the trickster and had bought henchmen for the fight.. I had spent 600 crowns on up until that point, and the game kicked me out.. I was able to log in and i was outside the instance and will have to start it over..
I know this wasnt an issue on my end as I can access the rest of the internet just fine.. Please fix the issue you have with the game because it is frustrating to spend out real money for crowns, just to have them wasted
this happens everytime the game gets an update. A major issue they never resolve, so for the people who say just wait and ki will fix this, annoys me because it happens all the freaking time an update happens. I live on the other side of the world where because of time difference the creators dont give a dam but foe only the US players it would seem. #FRUSTRATEDPLAYER

Sep 05, 2018
I was questing in Mirage today, I was going into the the boss Dumoozid's tent. I noticed the game was stuck ong loading something called "Indaintent", I think it was. I kept doing the dungeon but after awhile the game suddenly say "Could not connect to Wizard101, try again later" but the weird thing is I was still online. I was getting msgs from friends still and the battle was still happening. This happen about 3 times, even after resetting the game or my PC. I finally finish the fight with the boss but then after I would get the same problem with something else it would try to load. Then again the game would crush with the same error. Nothing I do works, I even uninstall Wizard101 and back on. Still nothing. Its not my PC either, I have no virus protection. My drives are updated too. Please, help.. Thank you.

Aug 25, 2013
they need to fix this already in my opinion my membership ends soon and its going to waste x-x

sabrina iceblade
130 ice

Dec 16, 2015
Now I just typed up a list of problems on Wizard 101 like the "step medium 0% download" on upper left side with a bunch of issues and when I posted it, I got a message "Page not Found." Come on KI.

Dec 14, 2008
masterryan1969 on Apr 12, 2019 wrote:
I have 4 systems they all do the same thing when a file download is needed to load a boss or an item it stops at 0% and game will kick me out saying server not available even know I am already in the game. Change this so even if a file download for "optional" textures is not loaded the client does not crash. I don't mine stick figures or invisable players if the game keeps me logged in.
I agree.

The game is essentially unplayable for my higher wizard due to fight timers. I get maybe two fights, then kicked out. Dungeons are out of the question. Unfortunately, I've left people stranded to fend for themselves, felt bad.

Apr 11, 2019
Hey I'm constantly getting kicked out of the game with error 121! The game doesn't lag therefore its not an internet issue. How to fix this? I get kicked out every 10 mins interrupting battles and various other gameplay.

Feb 27, 2018
Ever since the login issues yesterday I've been unable to play on certain characters because the area that the character is in is "not quite ready for [me] to adventure in." Usually the game would take a few seconds to download the assets for that area but I noticed the game gets stuck at 0% loading a certain asset. Also, I occasionally get booted off the game because I "Could not connect to Wizard101," but I'm aware that this issue has already been reported. Again, I understand that these issues are likely due to the recent login problems, but I was wondering if there is any temporary solution while I wait for these issues to be resolved. Thanks!

Aug 11, 2018
It's April 14th and I'm still having this exact issue. I keep getting kicked out of skeleton key bosses too which is just a complete waste.

Sep 10, 2016
Lookit Light on Apr 12, 2019 wrote:
Connection issues appear to be happening a lot lately. KingsIsle has said that they're working on it, just wait a bit!
people have been waiting for 2 days and no resolution. Why does this always happen every year.