Hi Hi! I just attempted to stitch my Purrzian boots to a pair of Archangel boots and had something rather odd happen...
It's like on my side I set the Purrzian as appearance and the Archangel as stat, but in actually I did the reverse with the Purrzian being the stats and the Archangel the apperance... I still see the Purrzian boots, and in my bag it says I'm wearing the Purrzian boots... Yet, my stat screen, and even my hp, show a drop. However, a friend looked at my stats and say they look the same as before...
Also on the unstitch screen, it shows everything how it's supposed to be. With me wearing the archangel boots and with them being set at appearance while Purrzian are at stats. The stitching was successful it seems, but my side of things seems confused... It did take the 100 crowns btw.
So, I'm unsure what to do... Do I just leave things as is and hope things right themselves, or do I unstitch and lose another 100 crowns? I also need to see if my stats perform as they should and not as they shouldn't...