Wow, I just cast Satyr and the poor thing looks like he's got a broken leg or something. His dance has changed so that he's only hopping on his right foot. Could you please fix this as it's very sad.
Also, the dance that they gave the Satyr pet when it's playing mini-games is awful! He looks like a tiny aerobics instructor gone mad! Enough with the waving arms already. It wears me out.
Finally, why does the Satyr look back over his shoulder when he's playing the cannon game? He looks very reluctant to hit that target. None of the other pets I have look so very awkward.
Could a satyr-friendly programmer look into these issues, please?
Yes the Satyr animation seems broken. wonder how that happened? What did they change that changed that? Seems pretty random. Maybe the code that let's the Seraph sound write has somehow oddly effected the satyr's ability to dance?... not too likely. Weird though...
If you will notice he is also missing those pretty blue notes that would come out when he played his Pan pipe. Now its some funky looking transparent orange color.
Yes I have made several comments about the Satyr's broken leg including that he should probably use the spell to heal himself. Poor thing.
Cracking up over here. I agree, Satyr needs some help. I have noticed so many graphical issues. I thought they'd sort these out before going live? I have taken many screen shots, sometimes characters look kind of evil and neat in the black spaces - only their eyes showing through the void, haha. Then there's the mysterious blue and yellow horizontal beam in the Wizard City commons. Some spells like infection are just stuck on the front of someone's head until they put up a blade which then makes everything start circling again the way it should. These and loads of other problems were present in the test realm, I have no idea why they rushed the release of the updates!
im getting satyr soon for my second school btw im ice and life so i havent actually seen these things but i noticed that giant yellow blob in the commons which someone has probably already named