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Where did my spells go???

Aug 10, 2011
(Sorry i didnt know where to post this.)

I started a balance today. I was a bit confused cause she only had spells on her wand. No scarab thingy in her deck. Arent we wizards supposed to get our novice school spells when we start the game? :?

May 20, 2010
Sometimes if things are done in a certain order, the level 1 spell won't appear in your deck. You can get it by going and visiting your teacher.

Nov 19, 2009
Same thing happened to me. I made a death, and it never gave me dark sprite.

Aug 10, 2011
But wait- I also had to train Scarab (It didn't cost Training points, thankfully )

Oct 24, 2010
Your spells don't just appear by magic. ;)
You have to go to your professor to get each spell. You said you 'trained' for your scarab... so you see what you have to do. Each time you are ready for a new spell, your professor will 'call you.' You have to go see him/her to get those spells/spell quests.
I'm glad you got your scarab! And have fun. :)

Jul 03, 2010
Randomperson16 wrote:
(Sorry i didnt know where to post this.)

I started a balance today. I was a bit confused cause she only had spells on her wand. No scarab thingy in her deck. Arent we wizards supposed to get our novice school spells when we start the game? :?

Oddly when I started my Balance I had to go to the teacher for the first spell, I did not get notice of it just went to see him to see what level I got things at and there it was waiting for me.

Oct 24, 2010
brwac wrote:
Randomperson16 wrote:
(Sorry i didnt know where to post this.)

I started a balance today. I was a bit confused cause she only had spells on her wand. No scarab thingy in her deck. Arent we wizards supposed to get our novice school spells when we start the game? :?

Oddly when I started my Balance I had to go to the teacher for the first spell, I did not get notice of it just went to see him to see what level I got things at and there it was waiting for me.

One of the first things Ambrose tells you to do is to go 'meet the professors.' It's at that point that you get your first spell. But you have to click the 'train' option on the professor.