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Why do I crash when I click on a certain wizard?

Dec 27, 2010
Hello! I've have had this crashing problem since yesterday, and I don't know how to fix it. So out of nowhere, I start to crash. I reported the bug, but now I know why I am crashing; when I click on my friends wizard, I crash. Like if I open the friends list and click on 'Samantha UnicornPetal', Wizard101 closes and that bug report thing shows up. It doesn't even show up her wizard, it just crashes. What's more weird is that when I click on other wizards name on my friends list, it doesn't crash. Has anyone had this problem? Or am I the only one with this bug. Please reply, I want to know if someone else has/had this problem!

Lvl 100 Samantha RedHeart
Lvl. 44 Stephanie StormDreamer
Lvl. 37 Samantha NightCaller


Please send an email to support@wizard101.com so they can help you investigate this issue.
