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windowed mode?

Jul 26, 2009
ok so, i have heard that to get the game into windowed mode, you need to set the game resolution lower than my computer monitor's. and then the option to set the game to windowed mode will light up. well, i have tried that and it DID NOT WORK! THE OPTION WON'T LIGHT UP! what's wrong? didn't i do i right? is there anything else i need to do? please help!

Jun 09, 2009
It can't be 1240x"insert number here" it has to be 1024x"insert number here" or lower.

Dec 14, 2008
Nov 18, 2009
It would be useful to know what your computer resolution is vs the in-game resolution (set in the Options screen).

Be sure to shut the game down before changing the settings - the game won't detect the resolution change if you just minimize the game by Alt-Tabbing out of it - it appears that it reads the resolution when it starts up.

That would probably allow us to guess what the problem is.

If you're pretty sure you have things set up correctly, you can also try pressing Alt and Enter at the same