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Windows 10 Compatibilty For Wizard 101

Jun 15, 2009
I will be upgrading to windows 10 in a few days and am wondering if Wizard101 is compatible?

Jul 15, 2011
It's compatible, I'm using windows 10 64 bit right now and have had no problems.

Mar 13, 2010
Alyssa Radcliffe on Jul 30, 2015 wrote:
I will be upgrading to windows 10 in a few days and am wondering if Wizard101 is compatible?
I upgraded lasy night on an Ultrabook, and so far have had no issues. I had to switch up the resolution on 8.1 in order for Wizard101 to run smoothly/not auto-crash on launch and for the text to be legible (it's way too small at the recommended resolution) and while Wizard101 ran perfectly, the splash screen would flicker furiously. In 10, runs perfectly and that flicker is gone.

Sidenote: I just got used to Power Off being in the right hand Charms bar. Now it's back in the Start Menu. :/

So far, I'm loving 10, though!

Jun 15, 2009
Thank you all for your input. I am waiting to hear on a few more programs that may not be compatible right now and once they are I will be upgrading