Near Bernie's house, depending on the direction I'm facing, the screen flashes earth tones and I can't see where I'm going.
Also, fighting Wintertusks is difficult because I can't see them at all. The minute I turn in their direction, I can only see easter colours flashing on my screen.
All the old areas are fine and I have no issues with them. Sometimes it only happens on one computer, sometimes all our computers are affected.
Oh, the mini game area of Grizzle has these same issues since the new areas have been loaded too. I can't see the singer either. I can see his name when I pass by, but not him.
Great job though! Fab game and so exciting for our whole family!
yeah, this has been going on since the day they uploaded everything. According to the emails I've received from support, "they are working on in and ask for a little more patience." Hopefully this will be fixed soon. It is a great game. :D