A few days ago, my friend and I hatched a second generation golden ram (pedigree 58) and an unknown generation Medusa (pedigree 70), I had the golden ram and my friend had the medusa and the result of hatching was I got another golden ram and he got another medusa. Now, this may be the biggest no brainer of all time, but to my knowledge hatching two pets with a pedigree of (58) and (70) you will receive a pet with a pedigree higher than (58). However Princess Bentley, the new golden ram had a pedigree of (57). So far I have leveled it up to ancient and got myth assailant, armor piercing, and crafty. Is this a bug in the game or just having bad luck?
Re: Wizard101 Live Realm pet hatching possible glitch
Pedigree is just a numerical total of talent and ability rarity value. It can go up or down in any hatch, depending what talents pass from parents to baby.
common +1 uncommon +2 rare +3 ultra-rare +4 epic +5
It's unusual for ped to go down when hatching with a higher pet, but not impossible or a glitch.