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Wooden Skeleton Key in Desert Villa

Jun 16, 2012
I got a wooden skeleton key today and decided to see what it looked like as a wall hanging in my Desert Villa. First place I put it up, it became glued to the wall and unable to interact with the housing interface. Only way I could get it back was remove all items to attic. I tested other locations in the house and found four walls where the key becomes inmovable with housing interface. I have had other wall hangings in these locations with no previous trouble.

The problem spots are as follows:
1. As you enter the house, the first wall facing you before you turn into the next room.
2. From the sunken great room of the house with the stairwell to your left the 2nd panel of wall from the left in the raised half circle (no window area).
3. The wall facing the stairwell on the first floor.
4. The interior wall of the stairwell on the second floor level.

Now I have to go put the other 89 items back in their places in my house.