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X Button will not appear on my toon

Feb 25, 2013
The x-button does not appear for my toon, Valkoor Windsong.

I've tried everything I can think of to resolve the problem, but without success.

Thanks in advance.


Could you clarify what you are trying to do when you aren't getting an "X" popup?

Feb 25, 2013
On any option that required my pressing the "X" key, the button refused to appear -- playing pet games, speaking with NPCs, picking up items, and so on. The problem was confined to a single character.

Oddly enough, shortly after I posted, the problem disappeared. It later appeared on another character, but only briefly. Now all seems well

My sister tells me this problem occurs from time to time.

I know you are uninterested in this, but I began playing Wizard 101 to spend time with my sister's darling children, and found it more addictive than I would have thought possible. We they grow up, I shall be forced to find some other excuse for my addiction to a child's online game.

Thanks for your response.