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X Pip Spell Bug

Dec 20, 2019
Second attempt at posting this bug because my other one wasn't allowed. (I don't know why, they never told me it just never showed up.)

This bug causes X Pip spells to not use all of the player's pips. This happens when you fizzle an X Pip spell and then try to cast it again the next round. If you're successful the second time, you'll realize it only used up the pips you had the previous round, the round that you fizzled.

I've seen this happen with Tempest and Judgement, these are the only 2 X Pip spells I've used so I'm not sure if this happens with every X Pip spell but I would imagine it does.

Hopefully you can fix this soon! It's caused me to lose so many battles :(

Sep 16, 2009
I've been doing my second play thru as a storm wizard and I first noticed it with judgement seeing that some mobs even kept up to two power pips with this bug. I haven't noticed it with tempest yet, but I noticed it with judgement.

Mar 10, 2014
Alyntrix on Jun 9, 2020 wrote:
Second attempt at posting this bug because my other one wasn't allowed. (I don't know why, they never told me it just never showed up.)

This bug causes X Pip spells to not use all of the player's pips. This happens when you fizzle an X Pip spell and then try to cast it again the next round. If you're successful the second time, you'll realize it only used up the pips you had the previous round, the round that you fizzled.

I've seen this happen with Tempest and Judgement, these are the only 2 X Pip spells I've used so I'm not sure if this happens with every X Pip spell but I would imagine it does.

Hopefully you can fix this soon! It's caused me to lose so many battles :(
Yea this is a major bug that has been bothering me. I have noticed it with tempest. I cast a tempest with 3 power pips and it does the same amount of damage as if i only had 2 power pips. Then the next round i have 2 power pips when i should only have one. It keeps tempest or any other x pip spell from doing its full damage. Hopefully Kingsisle reads this and fixes it. I came on here to make another post about this but i saw someone had already posted about it. Hope kingsisle doesnt over look this post and takes action to fix this annoying bug.

Aug 24, 2013
On the same topic, maybe different means of encountering it, I've casted the Kraken's Decree (100 damage per pip spell found on level 5 Storm Krokomummy) where I had 4 pips, and a balance wolf gave me 3 pips in the same round (of course going first)- therefore I had potentially 7 pips or 700 damage to inflict. However, I have only done 400 damage and I've just started the next round with 4 pips (3 donated+1 at the start of the round). I've had donate power used on me when I used Tempest when I typically quested and it included the extra pips in my total tempest hit calculation. I don't know why it's not included in my beastmoon instance. Please let us know. Thank you

Apr 09, 2018
Its not just x spells its all spells to. Its happened to me like three times now

Jan 30, 2014
I've had this when I used backdraft for one in a million, and I also notice it frequently in Judgement and Tempest for both enemies and myself. It's especially annoying if you would have lived if the entity had no pips, or if you would have killed with those pips.

In bug fixes KI claimed it as fixed, but it's still an ongoing issue. Hope they get it fixed.