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X pip Tempest CAN be enchanted with damage

Jul 01, 2010
Unlike what KI said in the update notes, Sun spells like strong and gargantuan can enchant Rank X Tempest. The thing is when I first did it the card didn't change. Until I read a post on central, then I know that it increases total damage. I don't know if this is the same with other X pips like judgement or heckhound, or if being enchant-able is just a bug.
So maybe KI should add on tempest when it is enchanted: 80 damage per pip + (enchant damage) to all enemies. Same with other Rank X spells.

May 10, 2010
Agletizer wrote:
Unlike what KI said in the update notes, Sun spells like strong and gargantuan can enchant Rank X Tempest. The thing is when I first did it the card didn't change. Until I read a post on central, then I know that it increases total damage. I don't know if this is the same with other X pips like judgement or heckhound, or if being enchant-able is just a bug.
So maybe KI should add on tempest when it is enchanted: 80 damage per pip + (enchant damage) to all enemies. Same with other Rank X spells.

Why would you post this? Honestly, anything good that might happen for players, people rat out and get it taken away. For instance, Bolt, gone, total useless spell.

The Dye shop, where we used to be able to see what pet we got after hatching. Has no impact on the game and did not effect anything, but because someone ratted it out, it was removed.

Adding friends with the "R" key, people "say" that it was being abused, but you can do the same thing now as you could before, except add other friends. So, what was the point there?

I have not done any math to see if this is correct, but I will. Yet, I still do not understand why you would post this and have something else that is good be taken away from storm, if it even works.

Jan 27, 2009
it's not a bug, it adds an additional X damage onto the final damage. For instance, a 6 pip judgment enchanted with gargantuan will do 600 damage + 225 damage for a total of 825

Apr 03, 2010
I am pretty sure the other X spells said that also. Heckhound and Judgement did to me, but it is probably a bug.

May 20, 2010
If there's a bug that allows X pip spells to cast damage, and that isn't intended by the programmers, then the bug should be fixed, not promoted for the cheaters.

Aug 21, 2009
colagada wrote:
If there's a bug that allows X pip spells to cast damage, and that isn't intended by the programmers, then the bug should be fixed, not promoted for the cheaters.

Intentional or not, it would be a huge mistake to make X pip cards not accept strength and other such plus up cards as comparitive non-X pip cards of other schools would then become stronger and out of balance with schools that are stuck using X pip cards that can not plus up in kind. At the low pip end of the spectrum, tempest at low pips would be much weaker than the comparitive low 4 pip attack all cards of other schools that are supposed to have less damage than storm. Judgement also kind of needs the use of such cards to keep up with high hitting 1v1 cards that accept plus ups that the other schools can use.

Jun 13, 2009
seasnake wrote:
colagada wrote:
If there's a bug that allows X pip spells to cast damage, and that isn't intended by the programmers, then the bug should be fixed, not promoted for the cheaters.

Intentional or not, it would be a huge mistake to make X pip cards not accept strength and other such plus up cards as comparitive non-X pip cards of other schools would then become stronger and out of balance with schools that are stuck using X pip cards that can not plus up in kind. At the low pip end of the spectrum, tempest at low pips would be much weaker than the comparitive low 4 pip attack all cards of other schools that are supposed to have less damage than storm. Judgement also kind of needs the use of such cards to keep up with high hitting 1v1 cards that accept plus ups that the other schools can use.

Yeah it would be a shame not to enchant them. What are you kidding me? Full power pips and x spells are deadly enough. I want to know why we can not enchant the steal life spells. what is so bad about taking a 500 damage wraith and adding a +175 enchantment? when you can take a 600+ helephant, triton etc and add the same +175 damage.