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Game Update for April 30, 2020

Dec 09, 2008
Our second series of fixes and adjustments for the Spring Update has arrived! Take a look below at what was changed. Please note that we continue to review player feedback for future planned updates, which includes adjustments to the Item UI.

If you see continue issues or different issues with the following, please reply below specifically for those issues:

  • Spirit of the Forest provides the Growzone Layer card again
  • Sylvia Drake now shows Duncan properly in all instances
  • Herman in Crab Alley now provides the next available quest
  • Under Pressure quest now works properly regardless of elixir use
  • A Penny Saved quest book is back in the Commons
  • Second Chance chest in Reality Edge now gives out the correct items
  • Sir Nigel no longer repeats his dialog
Combat & Loot
  • Shadow Spells: Shadow Shrike, Trickster, and Seraph blowback and damage is adjusted
  • Fellspawn is more generous now with increased gold and jewel drops
UI & Display
  • Item image now shows when mousing over left-pane loot preview icons
  • Right-clicking a loot item preview icon now removes the icon
  • Added a minimum level to the Skeleton Key tab on Team-Up Kiosk
  • Several Set Bonus names adjusted to match the item title prefix
  • Several text display tweaks
Play as Your Pet
  • Sitting or using certain items should no longer cause your Wizard to get physically stuck
  • Players now show properly after using Photomancy
  • Dismounting a 2+ person mount works again
  • Several stability fixes

Sep 27, 2017
I redeemed a bundle yesterday, and was trying to save the gear to redeem for a higher level. However, when trying to review the stats I was only able to click the hat and see the spells, etc. There isn’t an option to move over and see the robe and shoes as well because even though all three were displayed at the same time, I wasn’t able to left/right click to see “spells” for all three items.

May 10, 2014
In the new recipe for the pet snack fortified grilled cheese, it asks for one fortified bread. so i went to Mirage and bought some fortified bread. But the recipe did not work. It said I had no fortified bread. I hope you can fix this glitch. Thank you .

Jan 18, 2014
In Crab Alley when entering the palace to talk to the real king after giving the poem to the cook, the imposter king is inside rather than the real king. So I am unable to finish quest. I tried doing team ups to see if he will appear and talking to other players in the team ups, they are facing the same problem.
I hope you can fix this soon. Thank you.

Jun 18, 2013

I had a weird encounter wtih the "A Penny Saved" quest line. I talked to Penny, went fight some eneimes, then the marker told me to speck to Zeke and he handed me a package to give to Penny. When I went to speak to Penny she was gone and her spellbook was lying on the ground. When I walked up to the book, the game started reading what Penny wrote in the book, explaining how she was heading to the dark cave. After the diolage was done, the game then played a diolage explain to me that Penny's spellbook is on the ground and that I should read it to see where she went. Once that dialoge was done the quest marker is still pointing to the book that vanished after it was read and I can't continue the quest. It seems like the game read the book before the quest telling me to do so was triggered so the game thinks I've never read the book. Out of curiosity I went into the dark cave to see if Penny was there and she was standing with a yellow question mark on her head. When I pressed on her she explained how grateful she was that I returuned her book and have me some gold but I did not receive the cyclops pet that I was supposed to receive. The game is still pointing twoards the area that the spellbook was lying and it's telling me to read it. However, since the game read the spellbook before the quest was acually triggered the quest was never completed. It seems the quest become completely out of sync. Thank you for your time and I hope this can get fixed because I want to get the quest out of my log.

Mar 22, 2020
For the pet promenade final reward tier, it didn't give a plus max energy Jewel but it gave me a recovery opal instead. Thank you for working to fix these bugs and I hope you have a good day.

Mar 06, 2010
My pet DeerKnight is glitched, when he casts spell, it is +40 incoming and +30 outgoing, should be -incoming, I am losing fast since my incoming hits are increased every time. These go for 5 rounds so I don't stand a chance. I thought maybe I had misread it at first but I watched the next time and it is increasing the incoming hits. I did not see anyone else post this issue, and I did not get a chance to get a screenshot. Sadly I cannot play this pet, he is killing me.

Mar 19, 2020
I have a quest on the series of quests to get the storm lord spell. The quest is to talk to sohomer sunblade. When I got to him there is no option to interact with him and he doesn’t have the marker that shows he is expecting me. I cannot complete this quest since I can’t interact with him.