Hello. So my husband and I finally got to lvl 130 on our accounts and we're looking to farm some couch potato and evil magma pea seeds. Only we're not sure where the best places in Empyrea and Mirage are to find them. Any tips?
Hello. So my husband and I finally got to lvl 130 on our accounts and we're looking to farm some couch potato and evil magma pea seeds. Only we're not sure where the best places in Empyrea and Mirage are to find them. Any tips?
Hello there!
Congratulations upon reaching level 130 to the both of you! I hope you both have enjoyed the game so far!
A big takeaway from this article written would be this segment right here: "Hands down, the best and easiest place to get this drop if you have a higher level wizard is from the death ghultures in Mirage. This is one of the very first quests you can get when you open Mirage. If you head towards Alkali Barrows, they are the first mob you see.They are a pretty easy kill at the required level to reach them with only 2,450 health. The drop rate is far more generous than it is in Grizzleheim or Wizard City. As a bonus Evil Magma Peas drop here too.
I would also recommend Couch Potatoes over Evil Magma Peas, as Couch Potatoes drop Fancy Yogurts, Captain Canteloupes, and Golden Wheat Bread, which all 3 give stat boosters to Strength, Agility, Will, and Power, with none to intellect. Evil Magma Peas on the other hand have a potential to drop 2 other pet snacks, being Mystic Dragon Fruit and Cherry Tomatoes, which have stat boosters for intellect.
As you look in the pet menu, Intellect boosts mana, accuracy, pip chance, income healing, armor piercing, and critical block rating. The reason I recommend Couch Potatoes, is because the mega snacks they drop directly affect damage, resist, and critical rating, which are most most commonly used talents from pets.
I hope this information helps, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Thanks on the gratz! Yes we like the game so far but leveling was a little slower than we were used to (We used to play a lot of WoW before we came to w101 and getting to lvl 120 on that game only takes like 3-4 weeks it took us a over 3 and a half months to cap our characters on w101)
I bought 30 EMPs on the crown shop when they were on sale a few weeks ago because I didn't know that couch potatoes were better. I probably would have gotten farther if I had bought 30-40 couch potato seeds Oops. But the mega snacks that you get from them are kind of useful though so I guess it wasn't a total waste of crowns. Anyway so according to that guide couch potatoes have a decent chance to drop from the buzzards in Mirage. I think I got a couple of seeds there when we were questing in mirage a while ago. I have like 60 couch potato seeds now but I'd like to get several more.
What about stacking couch potatoes? I've heard that you can only stack up to 60-69 potatoes in some places and yet a friend of ours is telling us that we can stack even more than 69. Also where do you stick the king parsley? and does it work with stacking or do you have to stick one on every row?
Worrying about which snacks boost which stats is really kind of pointless, by the time you get to Mega, they'll all be maxed out anyway.
I used to grow Couch Potatoes and EMP but in truth, you can grow more EMP in the same space. Without learning to stack or use rugs, you can easily get 25 EMP in the area covered by one spell. To do that many CP you'll either burn through your energy casting multiple spells or have to use gardening TC's and burn through crowns.
At level 130, if you have the Snowdrifter energy gear, your revered wand, a good utility pet, and a few jewels, you can take care of up to 100 EMP.
Thanks on the gratz! Yes we like the game so far but leveling was a little slower than we were used to (We used to play a lot of WoW before we came to w101 and getting to lvl 120 on that game only takes like 3-4 weeks it took us a over 3 and a half months to cap our characters on w101)
I bought 30 EMPs on the crown shop when they were on sale a few weeks ago because I didn't know that couch potatoes were better. I probably would have gotten farther if I had bought 30-40 couch potato seeds Oops. But the mega snacks that you get from them are kind of useful though so I guess it wasn't a total waste of crowns. Anyway so according to that guide couch potatoes have a decent chance to drop from the buzzards in Mirage. I think I got a couple of seeds there when we were questing in mirage a while ago. I have like 60 couch potato seeds now but I'd like to get several more.
What about stacking couch potatoes? I've heard that you can only stack up to 60-69 potatoes in some places and yet a friend of ours is telling us that we can stack even more than 69. Also where do you stick the king parsley? and does it work with stacking or do you have to stick one on every row?
Evil Magma Peas are also an excellent seed that provide many of the same snacks and benefits as Couch Potatoes. Even a few advantages such as being able to fit more in your Garden, since it is a medium instead of large seed. Since that is what you have, make the most of it!
When it comes to your Seeds "likes", such as the King Parsley, you want to place them as near as possible to the seeds themselves for best effect. Most Wizards place them next to the plot containing the seeds they are meant to help. Every row is not necessary, but you could do one on each side. Its worth mentioning that you do not even have to keep the King Parsley alive for it to help the Couch Potatoes.
As far as I have personally been able, 56 is the most I have been able to stack in a large plot garden, while I can fit 64 medium seeds. This is the number of seeds I can get my Large sized gardening spell to cover at once. We have articles at Ravenwood to walk you through setting up all of this.
Let me know if you have any more questions, I am always happy to help when I can.
Worrying about which snacks boost which stats is really kind of pointless, by the time you get to Mega, they'll all be maxed out anyway.
I used to grow Couch Potatoes and EMP but in truth, you can grow more EMP in the same space. Without learning to stack or use rugs, you can easily get 25 EMP in the area covered by one spell. To do that many CP you'll either burn through your energy casting multiple spells or have to use gardening TC's and burn through crowns.
At level 130, if you have the Snowdrifter energy gear, your revered wand, a good utility pet, and a few jewels, you can take care of up to 100 EMP.
Hi Timothy,
In my experience it can be often helpful to max out certain stats on your way to a perfect pet, but it is true that there is more than one way to get to the finish line when it comes to perfect pets.
While you do have a point about Evil Magma Peas when it comes to unstacked gardens, the majority of Wizards do eventually choose to learn how to make a stacked garden. It is fun and easy to do, so why wouldn't you if you have the seeds and space to do so?
When it comes to Energy Gear, while the Snowdrifter is possibly the best, it can be hard to get ahold of since it comes from a seasonal pack. I suggest Greenwardens gear, which comes from the Wyverns hoard pack, available year round.
Touching on the gear choices a moment, there is a very common one people will get early on; the Splendid Attire found in the crown shop. Why you ask? Simple, because the Splendid Attire is GUARANTEED and can be equipped at 70th level. You buy the set itself, right out of the crown shop. You dont have to get the very low pack drop. You dont have to farm monsters and pray for the very lock loot drop to work in your favor. Buying packs is a decision each player needs to make, knowing full well the chances of you getting that piece of gear you want is low. I've done it myself, but I set myself a limit. I'll do like 20 packs, or when I get down to the next lower 10,000 crowns, or whatever my pattern of the day is. What *I* did was on my first wizard who got the Splendid Attire, whenever that wizard got better gear, I'd bank share, "hand me down", it to the next wizard and so on.
Hi Sirena - I have four wizards who are all Verdant Gardeners with stacks of 63 EMPs and 48 CPs. Three places come to mind for the farming. Secret Tunnel in Empyrea. You get Couch Potatoes there as well as some EMPs. The Ghultures in Mirage. I farmed alot of my Couch Potatoes from there. The other place where I seemed to get quite a few EMPs are those little six legged monkeys in Empyrea in the same area as secret tunnel. I'd be remiss to say that farming for these seeds is slow work, and often frustrating. Keep your eye out for sales on the seeds as they do happen occasionally. I got most of my EMPs from one of these sales and took advantage of double gardening for the rest. If you can get crowns, the half off sales are great. It is also really important that whenever a double gardening event happens, that you are able to take advantage of it. One has not occurred in quite a while (six months) as you'll see in another one of my posts, but hopefully Sparck will convince her/his friends at KI that it is about time .
One other tip is that some days are better for farming then others. If you listen to the soothsayers, KI replenishes how many couch potatoes and EMPs there are to drop at beginning of week (Monday and/or Tuesday). By the end of the week, the allotment runs out so not so many are dropped. I have found this to be generally true as weekend farming always seemed to be less fruitful than farming at the beginning or middle of the week. I have no stats to back this up other than general impressions. Good luck.
Thank you for all of the tips guys! We will take all of that into account! I'm glad that EMPs are still good though and that we didn't waste our money. I still say we should have bought couch potatoes though. I think they were cheaper during the sale too (I think they were like 900 crowns). Oh well we will buy more the next time they go on sale.
What about stacking? Nobody's answered that question yet. Can I only stack 69 plants or can I stack more? Is there a guide on how to do it for new players?
stacking is fine and you can stack as many as you want.... BUT..... the spells only cover 69 plants at max with a large ring. I utilize a 3 layer stack; 4x5 on the ground with the very middle one removed, then 5x5 for the next 2 levels. 5*5=25*2=50+19=69. I set up the bottom layer like a 5x5, but I remove the middle one to use for the marleybone Flag as my spell's aiming point, and then one whole row because of the large ring limit. if you stack, you NEED to aim the spell at the middle layer so it reaches the one above AND below.