For the double harvesting rewards, I harvested my EMPs so that I could harvest it again before the time ended. For the first 2 days my progress has been moving at a normal rate, however today my progress hasn't changed AT ALL for my EMPS. My couch potatoes however, went along fine.
This picture was taken at 3:17 pm (1/14)
This Picture was taken at 10:11pm(1/14) (pictures removed as they are against the Rules. ~Dworgyn)
Is this normal or is the game completely flipping out....
P.S My Friend replanted at the same time, and has all of the same likes as I do and has gotten elder earlier today.
Re: full likes yet plants haven't changed progress
I wish I could see the pictures.
It could be that the progress bar has only changed a little because it didn't have much time in between visits but obviously I can't see that without pictures.
Another thing it could be is a visual glitch where they are showing the same as the previous visit but really they have progressed. This is easy to identify if they should have needs showing but have none. Going out of the area then back in should allow the graphics to catch up and update. If you're ever expecting needs or suspect this please go out and back because invisible needs will still cause wilting if untreated.