I know if you go a day without taking care of your plants needs, they can wilt or revert. What time of day does Wizards101 consider the next day? I work nights and on my weekend I sleep weird. If the day resets at 2am CST, I can get up before that to take care of my plants. I don't have the energy to do it all right away.
I know if you go a day without taking care of your plants needs, they can wilt or revert. What time of day does Wizards101 consider the next day? I work nights and on my weekend I sleep weird. If the day resets at 2am CST, I can get up before that to take care of my plants. I don't have the energy to do it all right away.
Wilting plants: Plants will only wilt if you leave them with needs. If you see to all needs and then leave the garden they can not wilt while you are away even if you leave them days or weeks.
Reverting plants:
There are 2 things that cause plants to revert back to the beginning of their growth stage. The first is if there is a bug...you can not do anything about this and it sometimes only affects some of the plants and not others. It's a minor irritation and we just have to accept it sometimes happens. It seems to happen most when there has been maintenance or updates.
The other reason plants can revert is something we can control. That is when we have plants that have a long mature-elder stage (eg King Parsley which has a mature-elder stage of 7 days 21 hours with all likes). If we do not go to them midway through their mature-elder stage they revert back to the start of it, but visiting during the stage will keep them moving forwards to elder. I don't know exactly the point where this happens so anything that has more than 4 days mature-elder I go to midway (about day 3 or 4) just to be sure.
This has been partially said but not outright, the time of day is not what determines when the plants will wilt, but how long since you first saw that they had a need. So if you never check your plant it can't wilt but like what was said earlier it can only progress to the next stage while you are offline. So if you see it while it is at seedling it can only get to young before you check it again. Also if you wait to long it will start over where it was when you left. So to address your original question if you check a plant and see it has a need or pest but can't or don't fix it then the wilting timer begins. I don't know the actual time for it to wilt but I believe it varies between plants and if it is a pest or a need. Because last night I had an ultra tiger lily that had explosive gnats that I couldn't fix until noon today and they were fine. I also check in on my plants at around 7 am and had an ultra alligator pear tree that I couldn't give sunlight to, it was wilting at noon even though it hadn't been all that long.
Thanks for all the info. Let me re-elaborate now that I've been in game for a bit longer.
When I logged in today, I went straight to my garden, and took care of needs. 6 hours later, I logged back in, and some of those plants, plus some others, had needs again. How often does it determine when they get needs? Or does the game just check every so often and randomly assign a need, based on RNG?
Thanks for all the info. Let me re-elaborate now that I've been in game for a bit longer.
When I logged in today, I went straight to my garden, and took care of needs. 6 hours later, I logged back in, and some of those plants, plus some others, had needs again. How often does it determine when they get needs? Or does the game just check every so often and randomly assign a need, based on RNG?
As far as I can tell the only trigger is going to your castle where the plants are planted. Do not leave your plants with needs as they will most likely be wilted upon return. Do not go to your castle(where they are planted) if you don't have the energy to tend them. If you only want the elder harvest drop, I suggest to only go to the castle where they are located, tend to their needs during their stages of growth: seedling to young, young to mature, mature to an elder.
There are treasure cards and spells that can be obtained for taking care of their needs for 48 hours. These will permit you to harvest if you need the drops without tending to needs. Treasure cards are rank specific for purchasing in the bazaar, the spells are rank 15 gardeners and having completed the quest for Eclipse Tower in Khrysalis. Cost for each spell is 125,000 gold.
Thanks for all the info. Let me re-elaborate now that I've been in game for a bit longer.
When I logged in today, I went straight to my garden, and took care of needs. 6 hours later, I logged back in, and some of those plants, plus some others, had needs again. How often does it determine when they get needs? Or does the game just check every so often and randomly assign a need, based on RNG?
EVERY time you go to your garden it will update!
If you go in such quick succession there will be needs but not all needs.
EG Couch potatoes get 2 needs (water and music) plus rank 1 pests. The plants will get needs at varying times throughout their cycle so going earlier than a trigger or harvest you will get some but not all with needs but no benefit for going to them or spending energy on the needs.
We can't give you times because each plant is different. To get more accurate times we need to know what plants you have and what 'likes' they are registering when you hover over them.
Going to your garden repeatedly is like checking the dog biscuit tin to see if the dog is hungry...as soon as the dog hears you opening the tin he is there and clearly famished
Once a day is a safe bet for everything plant-wise but don't worry if you miss a day or even a week as long as when you went last you saw to all needs. Going MORE frequently than necessary is the usual gardening problem...I used to do it too until I was told not to