Why do Couch Potatoes rot faster than other plants?
Has anyone else noticed that their couch potatoes rot much faster than their other plants? Sometimes if I forgot to take care of them before logging off they are in the process of dying when I log on the next day. I sure that this isnt something many other plants do because I have a pretty decent variety of plants. Pink dandelions, red huckleberries, white tiger lilies, snow apples, king parsley. Sometimes I purposely dont take care of my other plants simply because I dont have enough energy for all of them. But most of my other plants can last for a long time without being taken cared of while couch potatoes seem like they can't even last a day.
Re: Why do Couch Potatoes rot faster than other plants?
They have a shorter timer across the board. With all the likes provided, they will go elder in three days. I believe them to be setup this way in order to facilitate mega snacks at predictable intervals. If you are having a problem with energy try planting them in a different location. Inside your Red Barn Farm or in some other house. Once all their needs have been met, and as long as you don't visit their location, they will not "rot" on you. The issue can be too many plants in one location. I've left plants for over two years unattended without visiting them and they did not "rot"..