In the Oasis, by the shops, There is a 2 pole things and a portal, does anyone know anything about it?Thanks
Scarlet Duskgem Level 21
It leads to the "secret" shop. Watch the poles. When the lines/notches are all lit up the portal will activate. Or you can move through realms for portal that is currently already active.
In the Oasis, by the shops, There is a 2 pole things and a portal, does anyone know anything about it?Thanks
Scarlet Duskgem Level 21
It goes to the secret shop. I'm not sure how you open it (I think it's at some kind in a day look at the sand clocks at the pillars). If you visit it 5 times you get a badge called secret shopper
Yah i know about that portal, i have seen people go in there but i have never actually been in there myself. Maybe its a certain level where you can go there?
There is one secret shop there and on top of the shop is a secret trainer with required spells for each Myth wizard (also available to train). There are no level requirements. You must wait until the obelisks are lit to the very top. Then step on the portal.