I am level 12 and I got defeated on my first boss but usually I am good with bosses
In my opinion, yes, you are too low a level. I usually don't get hung up with "levels", because if I follow the main story line, and also accept side quests too, I found that I was almost always "ready" for whatever area I reached.
I would suggest that you go back to Wizard City and work on some of those side quests you probably skipped. And did you finish Colossus Blvd? That will help raise your level too.
I am level 12 and I got defeated on my first boss but usually I am good with bosses
It'll be tough considering you're 4 levels away from learning your next spell. Try a few more times and if it's not working out I'd go back and do some side-quests(or find some powerful friends to help)
I am level 12 and I got defeated on my first boss but usually I am good with bosses
Level 12 is pretty much average for getting to Krok. Make sure you have the best gear you can get for whatever school you are...and if you're fire, load those prisms!
Yes, I think you are. Of course, I haven't been there in a while, but I am sure that level 12 shouldn't be in Krokotopia. Maybe you should go back to Wizard City and finish all of the quests there, and come back. You would be stronger, from leveling up, and you would also have more spells. Generally, you get into Krokotopia (or a good level I should say) around level 15. Good luck! --Ashley Deathflame, Balance, Level 59
What I do, and it has worked extremely well up until Avalon (which I need friends with much more than other worlds up to that point), is do the WHOLE world; every single quest and task (storyline & side quests, prospector, book reading & crafting tasks). What I find is not only do you get a ton of money from sales of all the lesser gear, but you can afford to buy new gear at ever level (meaning every time you're eligible for new gear, you can upgrade). Also, it causes you to get new spells before bumping up in worlds. When I started off, I was a F2P and didn't convert to P2P until I hit level 11, which gave me my new spell. Only then did I convert and finish everything else up. it made Wizard City soo much easier for me, but that's me.
Well if you did all quests in Unicorn way, Firecat alley, Triton avenue, Cyclops Lane, Colossus Boulevard (So mainline and side line) and you also do Crab alley and Sunken City. You should be atleast lvl 15 (or even 16) when you enter krokotopia. But its your choice to all this or not.
my death got there at lvl 16 my other death got there at lvl 11 my balance lvl 14 my fire lvl 9 and this is surprising my storm got there at lvl 29 weird right my friends ice got there at lvl 34
You need to be an Initiate wizard. You can also go to Krokotopia by going to the Oasis as a quest when being a crafter ( talk to the lady in olde town). You will get the quest to go to Krokotopia after you beat the 3 streets in Olde Town and discover Nightside. Hope this helped. (P.S, I went there when I was a balance student at about Level 14 because I was still a non member at level 12. )
Technically there is no specific level for the main worlds after Wizard City, Grizzlehiem and Wysteria are side worlds that come at 20 and 25 it depends how much you work with your characters when I first played Wizard101 I learned fast and battled beyond quests and fought bosses over and over for experience but after my first wizard I knew all of the non-member things to do so it became boring until I got a membership I have 3 wizards in Krok, a level 11 a level 12 and a level 29(guess who my first wizard was) so I say 10-12 low 13-15 normal 16+ high if you want to be a higher level when you enter I suggest the kraken boss not only are there a million people waiting to fight it, it gives a lot of experience and cool prizes like Mounts!
Hoped I helped, Tarlac Owldreamer level 29 Adept Fire Wizard.
Technically there is no specific level for the main worlds after Wizard City, Grizzlehiem and Wysteria are side worlds that come at 20 and 25 it depends how much you work with your characters when I first played Wizard101 I learned fast and battled beyond quests and fought bosses over and over for experience but after my first wizard I knew all of the non-member things to do so it became boring until I got a membership I have 3 wizards in Krok, a level 11 a level 12 and a level 29(guess who my first wizard was) so I say 10-12 low 13-15 normal 16+ high if you want to be a higher level when you enter I suggest the kraken boss not only are there a million people waiting to fight it, it gives a lot of experience and cool prizes like Mounts!
Hoped I helped, Tarlac Owldreamer level 29 Adept Fire Wizard.
level 17 is best to start krokotopia because some of wiz started krokotopia at 17.
Well at Level 12, you learn a shield, but not an attack so you don't have many attacks. Especially if you're balance. I think you should try to Level up to Level 16 for another attack spell or load yourself with treasure cards and highhealth. Or play with strong friends. Level 12 is a little early in my opinion.
My life wizard got to Krokotopia at 12 and my myth wizard got there at level 10. The only thing I suggest is to hang back and do side quests. Btw what school are you?