You need to be level 16 or 15 and merle ambrose will call you! you will have to go to nightside and that will be when you get to defeat nightshade at haunted cave! you will find a key and go back to merle ambrose and you will be able to go in nightside and if you are not a subscriber dont do the quest with the sunken city thing because you need to go to cyclops lane. soon merle ambrose will let you go to krokotopia! (this is how i think i did it but um i havent been on and that was a while ago so i might of added or missed some parts lol)
ugh i already explained this once in a different post ok first you must do all of the main quests in firecat alley cyclops lane and triton avenue then headmaster ambrose asks you to see what is under the waterfall in the commons when you tell him he asks you to defeat foul gaze in olde town then he asks you to defeat lord nightshade in haunted cave then you get to go to colossus boulevard but you don't really need to do colossus boulevard if you don't want to and you get to go to krokotopia plz nobody in any other post make me explain this again