Hello! I was wondering if somebody could give me tips on how I can conquer the area and not dying, because I've died like 67 times now. Or if one of the admin are looking, could you make it easier to beat? Thanks. BTW, I am a level 20 necromancer who seconds balance.
Hello! I was wondering if somebody could give me tips on how I can conquer the area and not dying, because I've died like 67 times now. Or if one of the admin are looking, could you make it easier to beat? Thanks. BTW, I am a level 20 necromancer who seconds balance.
Autumn GhostWhisper level 20
I know I'm reading into your post but could it be that your deck is overloaded and balance spells are throwing you off a bit? Maybe try again focusing on your death spells (these are OP for soloing btw) and see if you do better?